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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

T-Mobile HotSpot

T-Mobile HotSpot runs an unethical operation: If you purchase 30 days of internet access from this sleazy outfit, they are set up to keep billing you every month. If you cancel (as I did) they will "conveniently" forget that you canceled and continue to bill your credit card WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION! There should be a law protecting consumers from this crooked practice. For automatic renewal each month, you should have to explicitly request this, not have this be the default. It is far too convenient for them to "make a mistake" and steal your money. And T-Mobile should have to reimburse everyone that has been adversely affected by this unethical scam!


At April 04, 2023 9:06 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The company runs an unethical operation by continuing to bill customers without authorization after cancellation. This is so unfair for their customers!


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