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Tuesday, July 21, 2009


We have received a review request about a company called Primerica and would like to hear from people that have had an experience working for Primerica or people who had signed up for any services that Primerica offers such as life insurance, GIC mutual funds, RRSP's, etc.

We are interested to find out if Primerica is a scam or not?

Please leave your comments.

Thank you.


At July 21, 2009 10:33 am, Blogger Jess said...

Well, I can say that I just allowed my license to lapse and have been "terminated" from Primerica, after 4 years of inactivity. After I received my "termination" letter, I received a bill containing a "chargeback fee" that I now apparently owe them. I haven't the slightest clue what it is for, or how I acquired such a fee, but I find it very odd that after 4 years, they are suddenly charging me money. There is money to be made in Primerica and it isn't a "scam", however it is an MLM company, and as such, there is a great deal of pressure to recruit others to join the company under you and sell as well. What the company teaches financially is sound advice, however, if you are looking to learn it, or teach it for that matter, check out Dave Ramsey's material. From all I have read about it, Primerica reps earn lower commissions than those at other agencies, and given the extreme pressure to recruit, it isn't always as upfront about things as it should be. I'd just say, Buyer Beware on this one. Unless you are truly the type of person who is likely to have great success in a multi-level-marketing company, stay away.

At July 22, 2009 11:46 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been a represenative of Primerica since January 1999, I have also been a client since the same date. I have every product that Primerica markets and have made money as a rep, Primerica is not an employer! Primerica offers an oppertunity to own a business, like all business's if you work the business will make you money, if you don't work you won't make any money! You do not have to recruit a single person to make money in Primerica! Primerica offers 6 lines of business that will generate income if you "WORK" these busines lines are highly requlated by State and Federal governments which require you to obtain licenses to conduct business! Simply put if your lazy and expect to receive income for not working stay in your job its easier to hide there, if your work ethic is such that you are an achiever than give it a shot the worst you will get is an education on how money works. We Primerican rep's make a difference every day by helping educate families on how to eliminate debt, and save for retriement. Which of your creditors has steped forward lately to do the same?

At July 22, 2009 12:40 pm, Anonymous Bob said...

Primerica is the best opportunity bar none in North America. I love it, I am free to make all the money I want, I have no boss and I spend as much time with my family as I want. What else could you ask for? In addition, I get to help people and get a good financial education. No job, no boss and a great retirement package. I don't rent my life to a job and I make more money then all the people in my neighborhood. People who put Primerica down are just ignorant and will be poor and dependent the rest of their lives.

At July 23, 2009 5:38 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know what's interesting!!
when they came to my home, I asked the rep. from Primerica to leave me a copy of the policy so I can review it, she refused, she said you will receive a copy after you sign it!

They won't let you have a copy so you can read it on your own or review it with a lawyer.. sounds kinda fishy doesn't it? :)

At August 01, 2009 12:50 am, Anonymous TYWHITE said...

I would be concerned about a Rep that would not allow me to review a policy, as well. However; the company's business policy (just like any other company) is that once you Life Insurance Policy has been issued you actuallt have 20 days to review and make a final decision. I am curious to know had the initial premium been paid. If an agent leaves a policy with you and never received it back, then the agent has to pay a fee for not returning the policy!

At December 11, 2009 2:09 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a financial advisor with a more reputable firm than primerica. I also live on a farm so last week i bought a new pair of work boots at TSC and the guy looking for the right size working there mentioned that he worked at primerica. Why would a client want to have a part time advisor? I do on the other hand want to thank you primerica agents for selling complete garbage that is very easy to show why a client should consider products from other companies. Being the honest person i am i feel as though i owe you guys something for doing so. I figure as a kind gesture i will continue to run my business and service clients full time so that you guys dont have to and will have time to work at TSC.

At January 27, 2010 10:08 pm, Anonymous RS said...

All I have witness over the last 20 years as life insurance agent and that AL WIlliams/Primerica does NOT sell life insurance they cancel every policy they come across and replace it with one of the most expensive non convertible term insurance in North America. Term insurance is a good and often much need product, however the reality of the stats term seldom if ever pays a claim as the premium eventually are too cost and the policy dies before the client. Buyer Beware!

At February 03, 2010 8:56 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lies, Lies & more Lies what a friend of mine recently went through with Primerica people in Canada. She said she did not want to cancel anything or buy anything new and was assured she wasn't. But she was sold a policy and they attempted to cancel the other policies she had. Problem was that they also lied on the disclosure forms about what was being replaced. I know there are likely good, ethical, knowledgable people working for them but these lies are typical of what I have heard. Part timers should not be planning people's Financial lives...Investments or Insurance. Recently I spoke to the Insurance Ombudsman and they said for people to get a copy of the info or illustrations but they won't leave them. Why not??

At March 08, 2010 2:49 pm, Anonymous Krausie said...

I love the fact that "anonymous" works for a "more reputable firm" that he doesn't mention the name of! I don't see any "actual" clients in here compalining, just reps from other firms that can't compete! Show me any reputable financial source that says anything other than what we teach. If you "advisors" from the other "reputable firms" are so awesome why is everyone so broke? Obviously, they must not be dealing with you and your "firm"! You guys make me laugh!

At March 16, 2010 6:23 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The average income of an insurance agent in the industry is $48,866 according to
The average income of a primerica insurance agent according to Primerica's own website is $6,220. Seems like a great opportunity!

At March 18, 2010 12:30 am, Anonymous Brandon said...

It's so unfortunate, people have been lied to by corporate America for so long, Americans don't know any better. I can say that I have finally noticed how it works. Now that we are about to kill big business profits by genuinely helping people, they will stop at nothing to throw Primerica under the bus. I will admit I was skeptical at first as everyone is, thats because I didn't know any better I've always gone by what commercial companies have been told me all my life. I now see that Primerica is a company that makes its clients and workers smarter in the decisions they make about finances rather than telling them what to do whether its good or bad. When was the last time a bank or your credit card company called you to see if you are saving enough for retirement or if you have a chance to get out of debt quicker? THEY WON"T!!!!! The faster you get out of debt to them, the less profit they make! If we can take you from 10 years in debt to 2 years, we are going to do it, but we don't want you to be in a hole either. So each plan is fit to each person or family no one plan for everybody in a city state or country.

Listen, the only reason you will hear bad things about Primerca is because big businesses want to stop you from saving money and killing their profits! Stop following the crowd and be a leader!

At June 02, 2010 2:04 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have no financial qualifications, but yet primerca has attempted to recruit me on more then one occasion. The last time some tried to hire me, he told a story of how a high school janitor was able to 40,000 are year with primerica part time.

If the story is true, this is a person who sweeps floors all day also is also handling someone financial future.

So In truth I would never want to be associated with Primerica

At June 12, 2010 5:13 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Primerica is somewhat of a scam.I have been to some of their meetings.At first I was all for,fill out my application.I even ask some of my friends if they were interested in starting their own business and they said that they were not interested in Primerica because of how they treat people.After I have been attending the meetings,I started to become really skeptical about this company.

My sister even signed up for Primerica and she did not make any money off of it.I have done my research on this company and I'm not too suprised on how they scam people out of their money.And I don't know any insurance company that takes people's saliva and test to see if they are approved or not.So shady to me.

Someone at my church introduced me to Primerica and I'm not paying $99 plus $25 for my website.People don't have that kind of money these days.Why would somebody who doesn't have any type of experience on finances or have a college degree tell me or somebody else on how to save our money.

At July 16, 2010 11:28 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Think long and hard before you deal with Primerica. My 17 year old son's 'friend' told him he had a good job interview for him today. My son came home after an hour telling me he doesn't have to go away to college in six weeks. That the company told him he can make loads of money.
After hearing all their promises, my son's idea was to stay home, attend a local college part time & work for Primerica full time.
Can you imagine people that would 'scam' a kid into believing this! He is only 17 years old, I saw the contract papers he signed, and he also gave them the $99 to run a so called background check on him.
I worked long and hard for my son to get good grades and to be accepted into good colleges & just paid a large tuition to the college last week.
Honestly, I was trying to stay calm and talk some sense into my son, but I became hysterical crying.
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Also the fact that these people would have a person, under the age of 18, sign a binding contract!
I waited for my husband to get home and we drove to the office. I admit, I was loud, demanding my son's money back & the original papers that he signed. I was told to 'keep it down,' I didn't.
I kept repeating how they took money & made promises to a 17 year old. Reminding them that you have to be at least 18 to sign any kind of contract papers.
I told them I was sure it was a pyramid scam, & how I was sure that my son's friend got a commission for having my son sign up and give $99.
The man there kept saying he didn't sign up my son, and would have to find out who signed him up.
Long story short, he said the man was out on an appointment & I should come back tomorrow morning for my son's money and the contract papers my son signed.
We shall see what happens tomorrow.
Also, from the comments on web sites, I know that you have to approach and annoy family members and friends to make deals for this company. There are many risks involved with the investments.
How can people live with themselves knowing they can destroy a family member or friend financially. My son has his whole future ahead of him, and they could have destroyed that.
I guess I can go on and on, but how desperate is a company that they would con a 17 year old?
I can assure you that if they don't have the papers, and my son's money tomorrow morning, I will press charges. Please BEWARE!

At July 28, 2010 1:47 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Part-time making $3000/month let’s can you be a reputable financial advisor and be a janitor by day (not literally knocking on the janitorial profession)? Between servicing existing clients and then working on marketing strategies to find new ones (not to mention paperwork and prep work)...this is a full time job! Do you guys do on-going servicing and at least yearly reviews for clients? Or do you just take the money and run? Because if you're an established professional and have hundreds of clients, I don't know how it's respectable.

2. If you want to be a "financial advisor", you need clients...not recruits. I had a friend who accepted a PFSL offer and said they wouldn't let him go get his training/schooling for his mutual funds and life insurance license until he had 1 client (himself) and a recruit. This business model in my opinion is simply unprofessional. In the meantime, he was pressured to book appointments with his friends and family so his TRAINER could service them and "provide solutions" (and make all the commissions because my friend was not licensed and qualified to provide financial advice let alone get paid for it). Good leaders lead by example. I don't know how a PFSL agent can have 1 or no clients but recruit 30 people who do a good job, make some good money possibly, and then call yourself a "financial advisor" at the end of the day. This model tarnishes the financial services industry.

3. I noticed that PFSL only carries 12 funds or so in Canada (according to Not much flexibility or diversity options. And do your funds even have no-load (NL) options in addition to back-end or DSC? I have yet to see a PFSL guy offer anything but DSC so he can make his commission. What if a client has short term needs and may need his/her money in 2 weeks? Oh, they withdraw some and incur fees when due diligence knowingly should have put them in a no-load option. But again, I don't even know if you guys offer no-load on your funds.

4. BUY TERM AND INVEST THE DIFFERENCE model! In theory, this might work according to numbers IF AND ONLY IF they actually invest the difference at all times for the rest of their lives, have the funds do as planned and have the clients have the perfect investor behaviour (not a chance). Secondly, didn't you guys write an exam to get your life insurance license? Answers "A) B) C) D) and E)" and tough because not simply right answer but BEST answer. Or did your exam at PFSL just have "A) Term Insurance" for every question? Term products have their place but that's definitely not the only answer. In my personal opinion, every couple should (and optimistically if they qualify) have a joint-first-to-die term product that covers their mortgage, debt and income loss until their income earning years are over. So when a spouse dies, the other partner pays off all their debt and have income replacement left over so he/she can keep the same lifestyle (and not decline) Also, they should have a joint-last-to-die permanent (whole life, PAR or UL)to cover tax and estate planning issues. Maybe a nice tax-free inheritance to the kids? Protects my kids' inheritance just in case my wife and I divorce and she re-marries, and the new guy takes part of my bankroll. What if she remarries a few times or even worse, passes away and have everything roll over (spousal rollover)to the new guys? The point is this...term insurance doesn't come close to solving everything and yes, we advisors or planners actually plan.

My two cents...

At August 24, 2010 1:53 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Primerica is a scam. I am an attorney and have 3 clients that are proceeding against this company - be warned!

At September 03, 2010 11:10 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I work at a bank and I had a client bring me in her statements to review after she had told me she signed up for an RESP at a mall. They had not even asked her for her son's sin number, which is required for the government grant portion. Upon reviewing the statements I noticed that she was paying $50/month into the account not earning interest as it was not registered and they were charging her a $50/month maitenence fee for not having it registered. She was not originally from Canada and was a very busy mother that worked hard and did not understand english or financials well. This had been going on for over three years and she had no idea that she hadn't actually been contributing to her plan for her son, but paying it all to Primerica in fees. I contacted them and they said there was nothing they could do, they would not contribute the money to the plan. That's after they finally got back to us after ignoring both of our requests for almost a month. I contracted our provincial investment compliance department and they said that Primerica is a licenced company with them and the client had not been sold mutual funds so they could not help. She was out almost $2000 from this scam. Btw, my name is Janice, I do not have a blgger account and am having difficulty posting any other way but anon.

At September 11, 2010 6:59 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. I am amazed. My name is Amanda but there is no way on here to put that so I am sure it will say annon. Anyways. I am hurt and upset that people are doing this primerica thing. Yes the people who work for Primerica make money but thats by recruiting people and then scamming "clients" out of their legit. insurance companies. Telling them that they can get a better deal with them but really they end up with nothing. Its sad. I used to do it until I realised what I was doing to families, including my own. Long story short yes its a real company but its no good. Don't do it!

At October 04, 2010 4:26 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The simple bottom line here is that when so many reps of any company, such as Primerica, feel the need to defend themselves to this level and can find no better way to spend their time than to come to a site like this to rant and rave about the millions they're making...enough said...

At November 03, 2010 7:30 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe that anyone involved in an industry may do a search on what's happening in an industry so spending time responding to the original question isn't 'defensive', but a simple response.

Primerica is a business opportunity with a registered Financial Services company that has a simple model, but its not easy. If you are interested in the business side of Primerica it takes training and planning. Like any biz there are initial start-up costs ($99) and overhead ($25/monthly for online support). The term life products are high-quality and low in cost compared to cash-value products & are offered for those with no insurance or who need a more affordable insurance.

Agents are independant reps who have passed a background check. They are trained, for an insurance license, on ethical pratices, but many need self improvement to know their products and services. How many times have you chosen one franchise store over another, because of your own personal standards that one meets and another one doesn't? You don't stop shopping at that particular chain, you find one that meets your standards. That's the way you should choose to work with a financial coach. BTW Primerica agents don't have the designation of financial adviser.

Some people choose to work with a friend in training while others want an experienced professional directly (who by the way started in training as well). For JESS- A 'chargeback' happens when someone committed to own an insurance product and then cancelled it prior to owning in more that 17 months. You as the agent recv'd an advance payment on the biz and have been asked to give back the advance. Your open accounts could have been monitored by you online or through correspondence from the company. Just an example of someone, who trained and offered a product or service, but decided the industry wasn't for them.

There are many people facing a need to make a career change. Primerica is an excellent opportunity to do so. Compare it apples to apples. I challenge you to look up the training requirements for industry agents and see how Primerica compares. Remember the world isn't just how you see it...check out what's really out there. If you desire to work in the financial industry there are many avenues to choose and Primerica simply offers you a way to build to an agency rather than work inside of one.

At November 05, 2010 8:23 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If there is a scam company, how can it go public on the NYX? Enough defence.
Also, the insurance broker who is licensed sells you crap c.v. insurance, does he/she puts her benefit in front of yours?
Last, Primerica reps do deal with client's investment, the AGF group does.
Obvesily, Primerica worth to join it.

At November 19, 2010 9:54 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's both sad and unfortunate that people in the Information Age won't take the time to make an informed decision on what the Truth of the matter is with Primerica. There is a chasm of difference between opinion and fact most times, and the 'advice' people generally take is from someone who is in a similar situation to the person asking- which for 95% of people in North America is BROKE.
It is a solid business opportunity that people either succeed or fail at given their desire to work towards their success. For those who have been janitors or Corporate CEO's, if you are coachable and willing to change your way of thinking (say, from the old Industrial Age mentality- go to school, get a good job, get your pension, retire at 65) yes, you can start part time & learn your way through it BECAUSE YOU ARE LEARNING FROM PEOPLE WHO ARE SUCCESSFUL NOW IN THE FINANCIAL SERVICES INDUSTRY. No one starts successful, they go through training and become successful within that system.
Ask those employees who have been at their same job for 5 years or more. Do you think they were 'successful' at their position on day one? Give your heads a shake people & take the Commercialistic BS away from your degrated minds and take a look at all the distractions in your life. Why are you complaining about your Satellite signal watching your favourite TV show while you have no savings for your children and a mortgage that is going to take you 25 years to pay off? The employment & self employment system doesn't work.
Freedom has a cost that most aren't willing to fight for- but is so worth it after you attain it.

At January 12, 2011 9:58 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow I am more confused than ever!! I am a resident in Canada, and recently got an email from a Primerica rep. I went to meet with her and one of the other reps at the office and they did have some good points. But I felt very rushed and they laughed after I told them how much I was paying for my life insurance currently. They said I was getting ripped off and that the agent is fooling me into thinking it`s any good for me. I don`t know who to trust anymore....

At February 22, 2011 6:28 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a licensed Primerica Representative in Canada.

Math and grammar... that's pretty much all you can trust in this industry. Remember, it's your money that Primerica or other investment/insurance representatives are trying to get you to spend. Make sure that you do your homework thoroughly... both before and after you agree to a product.

Also, make sure that you fully understand the product your are purchasing and the reasoning why a product is recommended over another.

From there, get the product that will put the most money in your pocket in the long run.

Things to watch for:

1- Term over Permanent: Ask your agent to show and explain the savings you'd be making either way. Pick the one that makes you richer and/or gives more money to your dependent. Whatever you do, always make sure that you don't under-insure yourself.

2- Short-Term or Long-Term: not all term policies are created the same. Again, check rates from various providers. Whatever you do, don't only use online quotes as many companies can bundle policies (ie: more then 1 individual under the same policy... that's alot cheaper then the quoted rate). Also, check how much you'd be saving over the lenght of time you need insurance. If you'll need insurance for 25 years, compare the price of the Term-10, a Term-20 and a Term-25. When you compare, don't forget to calculate the cost of renewal!

3- Beware of riders on your policy: Disability and Accidental Death riders are usually junk and a money grab.

4- Beware of credit insurance: unless you had a medical exam AND received a policy, you can safely assume that you are not insured and that the policy will not pay when you pass away.

As for the Opportunity: no, it's not a scam. I got $5,000+ worth of licenses and courses paid for with my $99 Initial Business Application. Everytime I make a sell, I get paid. Everytime one of my downline makes a sale, he gets paid. My overhead are very low ($25 per month)... infact that's about 1/16th of fees another firm was going to charge me monthly.

At February 25, 2011 10:27 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And for the above, in the Term over Permanent section, I forgot to mention that, with permanent product, don't deal with "illustrations". Illustrations are a great way of saying "Absolute best case scenario with a less the 0.0001% chance of happening". Always deal with garanteed projected values.

For Universal Life policies, check the long term (10 year+) performance of the fund/investment you pick on third party websites. Never pick a fund that has a posted performance of less than 12% over the last 10 years or since inception. Never pick a fund that is not at least 10 years old. Don't forget that rates posted on-line are before the Universal Life administrative charges are applied. Once those charges are applied, you should land in the 8%-10% range (if you have a good policy). If you pick a fund or investement that has a return rate after all charges of less then 8%, your policy will not be viable.


At March 04, 2011 9:18 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So im a 22 year old, and Primerica contacted me for a Trainer position not an agent. i've heard lots of different things about the company and have never even heard about them since they called me this week. i have an interview monday, but now im not sure. im a singel mother and trying to do the best i can. Is this a good oppurtunity for me?????????? Thanks


At March 10, 2011 5:30 am, Blogger Vern said...


Don't do it! You first have to come up with people you know who are married, have jobs, a mortgage and insurance. Basically people who would really benefit from the service. I'm not saying the company isn't legit, they are a legit company, but it takes much longer than they say to start earning money. Plus you have to take classes to get certified for insurance sales which YOU pay for. And being a single Mom, that would hurt you more than benefit you. I'm out over $200 because of them. And I had to borrow that from my Mom since I was unemployed at the time and felt this would be perfect. I went to EVERY meeting for 4 months never earning a dime. Everyone I'd try to recruit said NO. So again, you pretty much have to know enough people who could use their products AND ones willing to join their team. The few friends I have that were married with kids and a mortgage, were actually better off in their current state than to quit their jobs to have to persue this company. I also was bad mouthed to my own Aunt by my team leader. When I brought this to the attention of my friend who recruited me, everything was denied. So when I asked if he was calling my Aunt a liar, cause if so a few other family members would have loved to meet him. He told her he doesn't think I have what it takes to make it, but she might. So he was trying to recruit her behind my back. When I talked to him about it, he said he told her he was concerned about me getting started and that I seemed to be having trouble. Yeah right. Most of the people were total snots, try to be nice and say Hi and they looked at me like I should have been shining their shoes or something. Needless to say it's 4 months of my life I'll never get back and $200 I'll never see again. I've seen many people say that working as an insurance agent through JUST an insurance company earns you MUCH more cash. And you don't have to bother people to join your team! I say stay away. You bring them business and don't get paid for it. That is until you're certified to and thats ONLY for the insurance. Investments is a whole different story. And more money YOU have to pay to get certified for. I hope this helps you. Best wishes.

Vern Anderson

At March 18, 2011 10:21 am, Blogger Unknown said...

I have been a Primerica client for over 5 years, and my father has been a client since 1979, when they were known as A.L. Williams. I have always felt that they have had a significant positive impact on my family. Recently, I was told that I should be wary of this company, that they are a “scam” and a “pyramid” scheme, and that I should do some research on this company on the internet. I decided to do so, and this is what I found.

There are some very favorable articles that have been published on this company lately.
They have been featured on/in
-The Wall Street Journal.
-The London Times
-Fox Business News
-Jim Cramer’s Mad Money
-Google Finance, among others.

Here are some interesting facts I found on the company:

-Been in business since 1977
-Regulated by the SEC, FINRA, and the Dept. of Insurance in every state they are in.
-Maintains a positive rating with the Better Business Bureau
-Rated A+ by AM’s best, an independent insurance rating company (similar to Consumer Reports)
-Owned for 20 years by Citi, the largest corporation in the world.
-Recently went public, April 1, 2010. Traded on the New York Stock Exchange
-Warburg Pincus, a private investing firm, invested $240 Million into the IPO (Initial Public Offering)
-Before Warburg Pincus invested, they spent over $9 Million investigating the company
-The stock is up over 50% in the last 10 months, and has been called the “IPO of the year” by Jim Cramer and others.

Here are some links you can explore yourself:

As a matter of fact, this is the only negative information I could find on this company:

-Blogs, such as the one here, posted by anonymous people, who do not have to post their credentials, their real name, or anything to show that they are telling the truth, or even know what they are talking about.

I’m sure there are some people in Primerica who are not on the up and up. They are a large company. However, with all the government agencies, consumer advocacy groups, media, and investors looking so closely at this company for the last 34 years, I’m sure that if they were a scam, pyramid, or into any kind of shady practices, someone would have found out and shut them down by now.

I’m glad that I had an agent over 5 years ago. The simple financial advise they give
is going to make a difference of hundreds of thousands of dollars to my family over the next 30 years. When doing research, don’t look to the “gossip”, look to the facts.

PS: You may see this post on multiple sites, I don’t like to see any of the few good companies out there get bashed undeservingly.

At March 27, 2011 7:40 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Primerica has received a lot of negative connotations towards the company by people who joined the business, but were not willing to do the work. Obviously no job out there earns you a lot of money fast. We all start somewhere and work our way up. Yes it's okay to listen to people's negative comments and views about this company, but you will never know if you don't go out and see for yourself. When i first heard of this company i was hesitant about doing it, but now that I've gone in myself to hear what they have to say it seems interesting and something that I would like to look into.

At May 20, 2011 5:32 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

enough said

At May 27, 2011 5:22 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said... all i can say!!!!!!!!!!! what is wrong with you negative people?! does it really make you feel that good about yourselves and help you sleep better at night?! primerica has a great business different than mcdonald' bottom line is that people who are willing to work hard and get smart climb the latter of life! so stop your damn gripe about it being a scam..because it is not! just because it didn't work for you does not give you the right to shoot it down to eveyone else that it will work for! like every other company out there whether tim horton's vs star bucks for example there is a weeding out process for the serious ones vs the comics looking to make a quick buck!!! primerica is not a get rich quick scheme for the fly by nighters!!!! it is a legitimate REPUTABLE financial services company with real insurance agents and investors just or better qualified as the rest associated with the other company's out there...seriously folks!!!! competition is around every corner....and every company at some point gets some form of ridicule thats plastered in the papers or over the news or in this case the damn internet!!! its the way the world feeds off of negativity!!!! so what are you gonna do not go to canadian tire or staples anymore because someone who's had a bad experience says something really horrible?!!! give me a break! IF WE ALL LISTEN TO THE NEGATIVITY THAT SURROUNDS US ON A DAILY BASIS AND FOR THAT MATTER BASE ALL OUR LIFE DECISIONS ON IT ....WE WOULD BREAK DOWN AS A SOCIETY AND THERE WOULDN'T BE A BUSINESS LEFT STANDING!!!!!!!!!SO INSTEAD OF LISTENING OR PAYING ATTENTION TO THESE SORE INDIVIDUALS WHY NOT RESEARCH POSITIVE FACTS....NOT DIRTY GARBAGE.......PEOPLE NEED TO HAVE HOPE...OUR WORLD WAS BUILT ON STRONG TEAMS!!!!!!!!!NOT WEAKLINGS.................REMEMBER THAT!!!!THE STRONG WHO ARE WILLING TO SACRIFICE..ARE REMEMBERED FOR MAKING A DIFFERENCE.....THEY PERSERVERE!!

At May 31, 2011 3:18 pm, Anonymous joyce said...

if primerica is a scam, why is it on the NYSE? And been around for 33 years?

At June 07, 2011 1:42 am, Anonymous Beverly Cloninger said...

If you're looking to research Primerica instead of just intending to find so-called justification to talk yourself/someone out of it, you should click on:

1. (not an anonymous blog or thread)

Primerica is partnered up with: Lockwood Advisors, Legg Mason Global Asset Management, Invesco, Pioneer Investments, AGF, MetLife, Morningstar, etc.

After googling, there is an obvious underground conspiracy network rumor that Primerica is a scam or just a plain shady company. If that's a fact then God must have pulled a pretty good shade over the eyes of all those big name companies/people. Don't they know? Are they just unaware? Did they not bother checking the company out? Did they not think to google and believe what they read? Do they know that Primerica is a scam and are they just willing to jeopardize their important reputation too? Scams in the financial industry are researched extensively, put out of business, and will probably be heavily charged.

The above paragraph also applies to numbers 2 - 11 that follow that are all third party pieces. The first link above is enough but some people who like to research want to know more and more. Was Primerica just successful in putting a blindfold over the eyes of everyone working in these companies/organizations?

2. (not an anonymous blog or thread)

The Better Business Bureau has accredited Primerica and given the company an A+ rating.

3. (not an anonymous blog or thread)

A.M. Best Co., that has been around since 1899 and rates the financial strength of insurance companies in the marketplace, also gives Primerica an A+ rating.

4. (not an anonymous blog or thread)

Primerica has completed the National Ethics Qualification with the Insurance Marketplace Standards Association.

5. (not an anonymous blog or thread)

Primerica is registered with the British Columbia Securities Commission. Actually, it's licensed and registered in every province and state.

6. (not an anonymous blog or thread)

Primerica is listed on the New York Stock Exchange and Canada Pension Plan (CPP) is one of the top 10 holders in the stock with over $25 million in shares. Will everyone who dislikes Primerica refuse CPP payments at retirement? Are the top 10 holders also unaware that PRI is a scam?

At June 07, 2011 1:45 am, Anonymous Beverly Cloninger said...

in continuation of the above,

7. (not an anonymous blog or thread)

An article in the Investment Executive newspaper (March 2011) rates Primerica as the top performer in terms of assets under management.

8. ... -companies.html (not an anonymous blog or thread)

The Street lists Primerica as one of the top 22 strongest life insurance companies.

9. (not an anonymous blog or thread)

Primerica's co-CEO is interviewed on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange by Elizabeth MacDonald on Fox Business channel.

10. (not an anonymous blog or thread)

Administration at Best Distance Learning announces that Primerica is the company with the most six-figure income earners ($100,000+ per year) in the United States.

11. (not an anonymous blog or thread)

Rip Off Report did their own investigations on the negative comments posted on the site only to discover that Primerica's competitors were underhandedly trying to falsely incriminate the company. If they're doing it on this site then there's a pretty good chance that they're doing it all over the internet with articles, blogs, and threads.

12. Talk to some of Primerica's 6,000,000 (approximation) clients and talk to some, of the 100,000 (approximation) licensed people working in Primerica, who are having success.

Conclusion: Primerica has a great reputation outside of the underground conspiracy network which mostly consists of anonymous blogs and threads.


If you're looking for information on Primerica with just the intention of finding so-called justification to talk yourself/someone out of it, you should just type Primerica into Google and choose to believe what certain people have written.

At June 07, 2011 1:48 am, Anonymous Kevin Larson said...

Web definitions of a

naysayer - someone with an aggressively negative attitude.

naysayer - one who consistently denies, criticizes, or doubts; a detractor. 

Personally, I don’t hate any of the following but here goes,

Google: “i hate primerica”

Result: About 315 results (in small print below the Search bar)

Google: “i hate rbc”

Result: About 1,670 results

Google: “i hate future shop”

Result: About 2,720 results

Google: “i hate fido”

Result: About 4,690 results

Google: “i hate canadian tire”

Result: About 4,730 results

Google: “i hate td bank”

Result: About 8,070 results

Google: “i hate tim hortons”

Result: About 8,550 results

Google: “i hate macintosh”

Result: About 9,650 results

Google: “i hate safeway”

Result: About 11,400 results

Google: “i hate home depot”

Result: About 46,500 results

Google: “i hate microsoft"

Result: About 374,000 results

Google: “i hate charities”

Result: About 5,620 results

Google: “i hate kittens”

Result: About 63,000 results

Google: “i hate god”

Result: About 514,000 results

Google: “i hate children”

Result: About 561,000 results

Google: “i hate sex”

Result: About 1,380,000 results

Google: “i hate naysayers”

Result: About 1,630 results

Google: “i hate chat rooms”

Result: About 18,400 results

Google: “i hate blogs”

Result: About 316,000 results

Google: “i hate threads”

Result: About 525,000 results

This exercise was done on June 3, 2011. The numbers can fluctuate.

Yes, I can see why people hate Primerica. They’re amateurs. Not enough Primerica going around to hate.

At June 08, 2011 3:04 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find this just knee slapping funny. Fact is Primerica's cheif shareholder is Traveler's Group which is owned by Metlife, since Citi Group's collapse. ALL insurance policies they sell are underwritten by Traveler's/Metlife group since Metlife bought Travelers in 2009. The previous owner of Primerica was Citi Group. You know the biggest thieves in the world's history on record that got caught with their hand in the till. The mutual funds they sell are NOT listed on ANY stock exchange nor any financial index. Hence they are WORTHLESS!! It's a buyers beware world in the money markets. After the largest decline in history of the economy all due to these flakes schemeing money to only pay back trickling amounts on the money invested. In most of the world we call that a ponzi scheme. Which I might add 99% of all financial institutions run on. NOTHING ever gets done against them as they have so much money rolled up in their fists that, exactly like Fanny May, the treasuries of nations will crash along with mass unemployment. It's the old three card monty trick, over and over(the Wall St. version). Fact is Primerica offer NO return higher than 9% when most mutual funds offer better(not much though), but they fall short by gigantic leaps of people whom invest directly in the stock market, as they take ALL returns over the 9% offered. Just an example. Two years ago I invested 5,000.00 in Ford and GM when their stock was just $1.58(ford) and $.89(GM) and now their stock are worth $13.89(ford) and $28.80(GM), with Ford making just under 39 thousand and GM making me 158 thousand in just two years. Now you and I both know that ALL trust funds of whatever type all will keep the change as to sppeak. You would only get your cheesy 5-12% on you $5,000.00 which would only amount to $1,200.00 MAX!! The trouble isn't the companies masquerading as money houses offering you profit, it's the combined effort of the sucker whom hands thier hard earned money, to the swindlers with their hands out saying any lie to get more money from the fool. That saying, "a fool and their money are soon parted" is 110% true. I'll give you all the best advice anyone will give you(no financial institution ever will, as it'll ruin them)for your money is this... Invest your money YOURSELF in the stock exchange or other PRIVATE business ventures. Don't EVER invest your money into something like a fund of any kind unless it's your own fund, because you as an investor have NO control over what it does, just tiny returns to complete losses. I have played the markets for decades and operated several very large companies. Done extremely well for myself, so much so now that I don't work and haven't in near a decade. I live life not work it away. Sorry if I sound gruff here, but the fact is that the masses are not very clever in general throughout all of man's history, this era isn't any more clever than the last, not as one would think. In fact with these criminal empires that call themselves banks, trust companies, insurance companies being caught with not only their pants down but an offspring on the floor, just proves how easy it is in this day and age that crimes against humanity are stronger than ever. With NO punishment by the state, but rather huge payouts for the crimes commited just proves how crime pays(3.2 trillion worldwide from 2009-2011), in spite of what the state keeps telling us. Lucky for me I learnt a long, long time ago not to trust ANYONE whom only wants money and offers a pittance in return. I don't mean my money has to double, but 3-12% isn't enough!! Hell the banks charge more than that just to hold onto your money.

At June 09, 2011 9:23 am, Anonymous tracy said...

Wow, quite amazing. This company is built on a solid foundation like they try to teach you to build your financial house. I have worked part time and recently went full time after working a job for twenty years. My oldest son is licensed so nobody will be able to mess him over financially. My 16 year old put 2000 in mutual funds and is putting 200 per month away. Over 5300 saved already. This company teaches you how money works. educates and empowers you to make your own decision and make commissions off of your own decisions. I now have freedom of time and money and wake up every day excited about the fact that I have an opportunity to change someones life. My family is changed forever and I wake up every day so grateful that I am part of something so special and pure. Most of the comments are from people who really have not taken the time to find out what this company is all about or expected a get rich quick with no work. Good luck with that

At June 09, 2011 10:04 pm, Anonymous Beverly Cloninger said...

Did you find this page by googling?

If you're looking to research Primerica instead of just intending to find so-called justification to talk yourself/someone out of it, you should click on:

1. (not an anonymous blog or thread)

Primerica is partnered up with: Lockwood Advisors, Legg Mason Global Asset Management, Invesco, Pioneer Investments, AGF, MetLife, Morningstar, etc.

After googling, there is an obvious underground conspiracy network rumor that Primerica is a scam or just a plain shady company. If that's a fact then God must have pulled a pretty good shade over the eyes of all those big name companies/people. Don't they know? Are they just unaware? Did they not bother checking the company out? Did they not think to google and believe what they read? Do they know that Primerica is a scam and are they just willing to jeopardize their important reputation too? Scams in the financial industry are researched extensively, put out of business, and will probably be heavily charged.

The above paragraph also applies to numbers 2 - 11 that follow that are all third party pieces. The first link above is enough but some people who like to research want to know more and more. Was Primerica just successful in putting a blindfold over the eyes of everyone working in these companies/organizations?

2. (not an anonymous blog or thread)

The Better Business Bureau has accredited Primerica and given the company an A+ rating.

3. (not an anonymous blog or thread)

A.M. Best Co., that has been around since 1899 and rates the financial strength of insurance companies in the marketplace, also gives Primerica an A+ rating.

4. (not an anonymous blog or thread)

Primerica has completed the National Ethics Qualification with the Insurance Marketplace Standards Association.

5. (not an anonymous blog or thread)

Primerica is registered with the British Columbia Securities Commission. Actually, it's licensed and registered in every province and state.

6. (not an anonymous blog or thread)

Primerica is listed on the New York Stock Exchange and Canada Pension Plan (CPP) is one of the top 10 holders in the stock with over $25 million in shares. Will everyone who dislikes Primerica refuse CPP payments at retirement? Are the top 10 holders also unaware that PRI is a scam?

7. (not an anonymous blog or thread)

An article in the Investment Executive newspaper (March 2011) rates Primerica as the top performer in terms of assets under management.

At June 09, 2011 10:07 pm, Anonymous Beverly Cloninger said...

In continuation,

8. ... -companies.html (not an anonymous blog or thread)

The Street lists Primerica as one of the top 22 strongest life insurance companies.

9. (not an anonymous blog or thread)

Primerica's co-CEO is interviewed on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange by Elizabeth MacDonald on Fox Business channel.

10. (not an anonymous blog or thread)

Administration at Best Distance Learning announces that Primerica is the company with the most six-figure income earners ($100,000+ per year) in the United States.

11. (not an anonymous blog or thread)

Rip Off Report did their own investigations on the negative comments posted on the site only to discover that Primerica's competitors were underhandedly trying to falsely incriminate the company. If they're doing it on this site then there's a pretty good chance that they're doing it all over the internet with articles, blogs, and threads.

12. Talk to some of Primerica's 6,000,000 (approximation) clients and talk to some, of the 100,000 (approximation) licensed people working in Primerica, who are having success.

Conclusion: Primerica has a great reputation outside of the underground conspiracy network which mostly consists of anonymous blogs and threads.


If you're looking for information on Primerica with just the intention of finding so-called justification to talk yourself/someone out of it, you should just type Primerica into Google and choose to believe what certain people have written.

At September 01, 2011 10:20 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went to a primerica meeting last night and remember very well all of the information that was said. I would just like to point out that all of the comments that provide positive feedback on this blog say EXACTLY what the speaker said during the meeting. The exact same words, in the same order and with the same "primerica-is-awesome" attitude. I'm sketched out.

And for the person who said that everyone making bad comments towards primerica does not put a name and whatever... it was clearly stated earlier by many people that there is no way to write our names.... then they signed their names. Also, nobody wants to make the mistake of writing an opinion and then potentially being sued for it so no one is going to write "John Smith, 1234 Asshole Street, Smalltown, Country" okay?

At September 26, 2011 9:09 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Primerica fools new recruits by offering them a Fast Start Bonus that requires 3 recruits and a subscription to life insurance and credit report checks.

Most Primerica newbies will purchase the life insurance policy for themselves and pester their friends and family to join Primerica for $500 bonus which doesn't get paid until the representative gets licensed.

At January 31, 2012 12:45 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done!!

At February 05, 2012 5:58 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

google.. GRANDIZERCASH you will thank me

At February 05, 2012 6:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

google.. GRANDIZERCASH you will thank me and as for NYSE if the price is right they will allow anyone in the stock market they are affiliated with big BANKS ...

At February 20, 2012 8:53 pm, Anonymous Wisdom said...

It's amazing that people come to websites like this to gather information so that they aren't gullible and do something foolish by making an uninformed descision. When in fact after reading comments by uninformed bloggers that are accountable to no one, they choose not to get involved in a ligitimate business opportunity that could improve their life. They in fact end up being gullible and foolish, which is exactly the opposite of what they wanted. Whoever corrects a mocker invites insults; whover rebukes the wicked incurs abuse. Proverbs 9:7

At March 29, 2012 4:36 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't join this company! only 1 person in 50 makes a profit and only 1 person in 300 makes enough to live on. If you want to own a business, start a real business but stay away from MLM/pyramids like Primerica

At April 18, 2012 11:44 am, Anonymous Rebecca said...

To those who are anonymously posting their comments with only negatively, please get a life.

Actually do your research.

Keep in mind that EVERY company in EVERY city in the world will have at least one complaint. Yes, there are worthy complaints out there.


For the most part, the workers at Primerica are given an opportunity to succeed and choose to take it or not, and those who make it are excited and ready to take the world by storm. These people are trying to change the world of corrupt insurance.

By the way, if you think that Primerica is a pyramid scheme, consider this: Primerica paid out over $1billion in death claims in 2011.

At April 25, 2012 1:56 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have worked for Primerica for almost 20 years.

Your complaint is worrisome but you fail specify what the client was actually sold (obviously not a RESP).

Your comment "they were charging her a $50/month maintenance fee for not having it registered." is unclear.

No product we offer charges a maintenance fee.

Many mutual funds we offer through Invesco, Mackenzie, AGF and our family of segregated funds that charge a "management fee" but these are in the range of 2% annually so I can only assume this is not what you are talking about.

Maybe the client purchased a life insurance policy???

But again the "admin fees" for a life insurance policy is only 85 dollars a year. The rest of premium is to cover the cost of the life insurance coverage.

This complaint is vague it really offers no real idea of what these "fees" are.

"This had been going on for over three years and she had no idea that she hadn't actually been contributing to her plan for her son, but paying it all to Primerica in fees."

Over the last 20 years I have met many people that were sold the wrong product for them by insurance companies and banks (ie GIC that paid to little interest, RSP's when there income was too low, and life insurance when there was no liabilties to cover).

This is totally unacceptable.

I would hope that they will contact Primerica's home office to get this problem resolved.

At May 13, 2012 10:29 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Primerica preys on the naive and the disadvantaged - students, immigrants, the chronically unemployed - with empty promises of "big money" and "financial independence."

The reality is that recruits are simply used as tools to gain access to their circle of contacts. After collecting enrollment fees from you and bilking what they can out of your circle of contacts they lose interest in you real quick. Nobody I knew there ever made more than a few thousand dollars a year.

At August 30, 2012 5:19 pm, Blogger julebeaver said...

Yes we have had bad issues with Primearica both for Life Insurance and a Mortgage. We had to file bankruptcy and Primerica was the mortgage company we used. Also we were dropped from Primerica because we changed accounts and I faxed them the info and they still couldnot get it right the next thing I knew we got a cancellation leffter from them for our life insurance. They Stink.

At January 21, 2013 5:32 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been a Primerica client for close to 20 years. Both myself and my wife have IRA accounts that have made virtually NO money, all that is there is what has been contributed. I tried to "ride it out" hoping that being patient would pay out in the long run, but I'm done. We will be closing these accounts and taking our hard-earned money elsewhere. Regardless as to how highly this company is rated in the investment community, we are not at all pleased with the results of our investments. FWIW...

At January 25, 2013 7:22 pm, Anonymous C.W. said...

Hey Phil, you've probably either come to the truth and quit by now, or else starved to death waiting to make a profit in this sham.. either way, for those who come after you, let me ask a few things:

Your Point #1) If "forced savings" are so bad when the insurance industry does it, why are they such a great thing in the Primerica SMART loan, hmm? Your clients are paying a few percentage points higher than they'd have to for the "forced discipline" part of that loan. If they just mimicked your "SMART" loan they'd save thousands. Hypocrisy #1.

Point #2) When you compare a policy using your Crimerican 35-yr-term, do you realize and take into account that the premium only stays level for TWENTY years?!? Wow! Misleading at best, and potentially dishonest to have ill-educated reps who I guarantee do NOT know this.

Point #3) HA!! Crimerica Canada now sells this shit. Flip-flop! Hypocrisy at its finest..

Point #4) Now I'm just laughing.. Helloooo "Term Now" where your client is insta-approved (which according to you is 'sketchy').. also, your clients will pay more every premium month for the rest of the policy because of this "convenience" to them?!?! What a load of shit.

Case closed... NOT a winning proposition for most. In Primerica, what you don't know just might devestate you financially..

At April 26, 2013 7:09 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not sure about the business side. My family and I have had life insurance with them. I have had nothing but mess ups. First all my was covered then a few children were not. Ever time I call it takes months to hear back. My one son was denied because he has adhd and tourettes. I was told by a rep that if he had just adhd he would have been approved. To be reconsider for him to be approved. I am to send in a full medical report alone with an IQ evaulation. I think Primerica SUCKS. I asked who makes these decisions. I was told it is not doctors but just under writers. Who are not trained to make these decisions. I am looking for life insurance from a different company now. Enough is enough.

At May 09, 2013 3:03 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

After paying my 99 dollars fee, o changed my mind and the rep wanted to sell me some mutual fund claiming its the best and he is only offering that day. Scammers, stay far away

At June 06, 2013 2:57 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have a better change of winning the lottery then making money from Primerica. If you have enough contacts just start your own company.

At June 27, 2013 2:46 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, after my father discovered he had type 2 diabeties, his landlord, a primerica rep, asked him if he wanted life insirance. my father was hesitant, unsure if he'd receive coverage, but was assured it wouldn't be a problem. Shortly after getting his insurance, his conditions deteriorated, and he was forced to admit himself to hospital. Upon further testing it was discovered he had pancraetic cancer which had spread to his liver. They gave him at most weeks to live, he opted not to receive an IV or any treatment, as he felt this would just delay the inevitable. So he passed very fast, with me at his side holding his hand as he took his last breaths. It was Jan. 31/13 when he passed. We had been struggling with Primerica since then to receive his insurance. My sister called them last week and was told the cheque was in the mail. It was a cheque for only what he had paid into his insurance, and they said his policy was denied for with holding information. We only received the letter yesterday morning, June 26/13. I sent them an angry message on their website, and I intend to take this to the media and also hire a lawyer. Primerica will not be doing much business in Canada when I drag their name through the dirt.

At August 20, 2013 10:28 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon, I must say I've been doing a lot of looking into primerica as of recently and I'm neither for or against them, but I would like to point out that the "janitor" of that story doesn't mean that that man is by any means dumb. Plenty of people are smart in many ways they simply don't choose to use them how they could be. Just because this person who may or may not be real was a janitor doesn't mean anything and really does kind of make you sound pompous.. sorry but I had to say it..

At August 30, 2013 3:44 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to the Primerica representative after 7 years my investment would double, but after 7 years I was shocked to find a 2% percent increase and a $3,000 debt for the loan, so I pretty much am $2,800 in the hole. What a scam this company is.

At September 02, 2013 6:46 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The first thing they told me was that my Whole Life Policy was 100 percent rip-off. This shocked me. Their line of thinking was that unpaid policy loans made during the life of the policy come off of the death benefit!! wow. like thats a big surprise and that the beneficiary receives the death benefit rather than the cash surrender value. wow. so thats what makes it a rip-off?? meantime.. all of my earnings accumulated tax free, when i die, the ben will get the whole benefit tax free. the premium never went up all my life and I locked it i in my 30s. My son will always have that money. That is exactly the product I wanted!. If I/we do ever make a policy loan of course we will pay it back from the death benefit.

You do not pay tax on the policy load either. but you do pay interest...anyway for my purposes. this is the investment I wanted. I wanted my son to have the money no matter what. And it turns out you can borrow off the principal if need be but it should be avoided. All of it happens tax free and I can go into retirement without worrying what to leave my son. I already have that handled. That is what I was looking for n the investment. I dont need Primeroca telling me I got ripped off. I am glad to have talked about the issue of course I think its good to promote free discussion about these loopholes Some people might think they are getting the policy loan for free or something. When you add it all up. you do almost save as much as you get in the death benefit but its tax free, its locked in and its a tax free ben. for the family. To me that was my kind of investemnt

At September 02, 2013 6:51 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

PRimerica also told me that RESPs were garbage. My son is just about the get his first payout from his RESP and he is planning on going to med school BECAUSE HE HAS HAD AN RESP all his life. He got loads of grants and my investment is there with interest if I want it back and it accumulated tax free. sorry I dont get the problem??? If he doesnt go to school then fine I will get my money back with interest, I do lose a bit on the enrollment fee. Overall you could then maybe say I lost a bit but nothing compared to trying to save a mutual fund with fund managemnet of 2,5 percent and taxes on the gains and no grants!!! huh? also I like the locked in concept. the management fee was only .065 is that a comparison, ther rep told me flat out I got ripped off. I am sure they know how things work and can explain it to people but ultimately want to sell their own products too

At September 17, 2013 9:48 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can not just make $40,000 a year part time just because you were approached by Primerica. You have to take a legit test in order to be able to handle people's insurance and RRSP's, they would have to take a course and then a test.

It is not like the janitor just immediately handled somones financial information. You are thoroughly trained and taught every thing you need to know in order to do this job!

At March 28, 2014 4:21 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you, for this website. Our daughter received a phone call for a "job interview" with Primerica,,being told a "friend" had recommended her. She has just been accepted by several universities and has a great future ahead of her, a future we believe could have been put in jeopardy by this company. I am very angry and needless to say she will not be going to the "interview". For those of you who extoll the vitues of this company perhaps you would explain why you are targetting schoolkids,and getting kids to give out the names and cell phone numbers of their high school friends, reputable companies do not do this. As I am sure you are aware these kids are gullible and lack the life experience to smell a rat. The law, it seems, is inadequate to protect our kids and something must be done to deal with this issue.

At April 11, 2014 9:46 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right on the nail.

At April 25, 2014 6:25 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for your comments on Primerica. I read quite a few on this website, each contradicting the other.....crazy. Anyways, your comments have a thread of common sense throughout.....THANKS.

At June 24, 2014 1:59 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why you hide yourself then put your law office number and address so that we can use you.

At September 14, 2014 8:27 pm, Anonymous John said...

Every now and then I find a site like this filled with comments from people who have done no research, nor taken the time to follow up and legitimate complaints in the right place- with Primerica, not on internet message boards.
I have been a rep with Primerica for seven years. in the early years I didn't make a huge income- I didn't expect to- but I knew with steady work I could build a business, and train new reps to do the same thing.
My wife and I now work full time in the business, with a small team and a decent income. We service many clients with growing portfolios and solid income protection.
I offer the opportunity to work with us to many people from all walks of life. Some accept, some decline. Of those who choose to join us, some stay, many don't. It's not for everyone. The turnaround of Advisors in any company is high as most require a full time commitment, forcing out those who can't make it in their first year of business as it takes a while to build up an income in this industry if you choose to serve middle income clients.
I have two things I am proud of- every client of ours is now in a better financial position than when we met. Secondly, I have helped a number of people learn more about personal finance, some of whom are now making a full time or additional income with us.
If you are reading this- ask yourself a question. If you were checking out a University to attend- would you seek out it's dropouts or its successes? Here's to your success!

At September 14, 2014 8:44 pm, Anonymous John said...

I would like to point out that at the time this article was written, the main shareholders were not as stated above.
The writer states quite clearly that Mutual funds offered by Primerica are not isted on any stock exchange. This is true. NO mutual funds are listed on ANY stock exchange, as they are not individual stocks. To check fund performance use a commonly accepted monitoring site such as Morningstar.

At November 20, 2014 4:41 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

life insurance is to cover your income encase of a tragedy what kind of person wants to get a cheque when their loved one dies. if you die at 90 and your beneficiary is 65 what good is that. if your not a complete moron you should have acquired some wealth with your 90 years on the planet and not have to rely on life insurance for your families financial future. check Susie Osman's view on life insurance . nothing like an un educated rant for some one who knows nothing about ins (term is the cheapes form of insurance on the market)

At May 06, 2015 8:14 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I recently saw a primerica representative arrested for assault and battery. His name is corey leronda scott. His name is on my policy. Will this hurt my policy?

At November 03, 2015 10:42 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

I have RRSP with other institutions and I can do withdrawal of funds just over the phone.
But primerica gave me too much hassle just for a little amount that I need to withdraw.
I was told that I need to see the agent personally to do the withdrawal of some funds.
I'm 8hrs away from the city and need to travel just for it, unbelievable.

At November 10, 2015 9:22 pm, Blogger tolobelt said...

Google Primerica Annual Reports......

Average annual new policies sold per rep (2014) 2.28,(2013) 2.3,(2012) 2.45,(2011) 2.59,(2010) 2.31

Thats substantially less than three policies sold, per rep, FOR THE WHOLE YEAR!!!!!! 1 sale every 5 months?????????? And those are mainly by new recruits and new warm markets, before they quit!! In fact a number of those policies may include those purchased by new recruits!!

Between 2010 and 2014, there were 1.04 million new recruits, 170,611 who became licensed, yet their sales force at the end of 2014 only rose by 4,000. Over 166,000 licensed reps quit, which means about half their licensed force quits each year.

So tell me, where is the opportunity again?????????

Read the annual reports yourself. The numbers are there in black n white.

At February 13, 2016 1:09 pm, Blogger tolobelt said...

Primerica is simply an MLM pyramid scam, the Amway of financial services. They prey on the young, the naive, the unemployed and newer immigrants. The opportunity they offer recruits is highly tainted with gross exaggerations.

At July 11, 2016 4:18 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

Hello Dear, That is obviously the representative decision and NOT Primerica! I am 1000% sure if you would to call the Head Office and explained what happened they would have solved the issue for you on the spot! I have a life policy with Primerica and never had one issue with the company they paid my friend's claim within 7 days no questions aske! Fishy is when you get rubbed by you wrong type of insurance and your bank NOT and Never with Primerica!

At April 04, 2023 3:35 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I recommend doing thorough research on the company before signing up for any of their services or considering working for them. Look for reviews and testimonials from current and former employees or customers, and consider consulting with a financial advisor or expert before making any important financial decisions.

At April 08, 2023 1:53 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes primerica is a scam


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