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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Energy Armor Reviews

Energy Armor

Has anyone heard of this thing before ? The negative ion stuff ?

Please post your comments, reviews, complaints, or scam stories here

Thank you.


At February 23, 2011 8:52 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

supposedly the "negative ions" react with the metals (iron,sinc etc...) in your blood to help wth blood flow. as far as balance and all that stuff i can't see it working, but as far as helping with blood flow i can see that working. although there have been a ton of complaints about this kind of stuff not working at all. where even the companies say it is all in the person's mind if it works or not. but if u think it works and it helps ur performance, than it must work somehow. maybe just not they way they claim. kind of "the end justifies the means."

At February 27, 2011 11:55 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not sure why > I never believed in these things but I actually bought an Energy Armor Band 2 months ago to cure my curiosity after seeing everyone wearing them. True story - This thing has made me sleep like a baby and the chronic inflamation in my knee is gone for 6 weeks now. Whatever it is????...It has to be something good for you. I did a lot of research after my results and there is no negative effects to negative ions to be found. I give it a 10.

At March 16, 2011 4:28 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

this band is the most unbelievably worst thing i've have ever been given to in my life and i found myself hystericcally sleeping on the job......this is bull

At March 20, 2011 9:44 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

I recently started weight lifting for he first time in like a year.the pain in my upper boby was excruciating, I coundnt lift my arms above my shoulders. I went to the mall and there was a stand selling them so I did the tests, and I'm a major skeptic when it comes to stuff like this. I took the chance and bought one. Thank God I did, after maybe 10 minutes the pain almost disappeared and the next day it was gone. I have way more energy during the day and I havent slept like this in years. The list of improvements to my everyday life and among other thing goes on and on. Bravo to the creators of theses bands. On a scale of 1 to 10 I give a 100. I recommend everyone atleast try one.

At April 06, 2011 12:15 am, Blogger Unknown said...

Well I got a pair a few days ago, my balance has definitely improved, I can't say for sure that I have more energy, but I will give it a few more days then make a conclusion, so far it's a handy product.

At April 22, 2011 11:07 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just purchased one far so good,i'm not sure how much of itis mental,but i've been feeling good.

At April 23, 2011 1:24 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i bought one and wrapped it around my penis just to see what will happen.... no shitting you my penis was hard for nearly 4 hours and my wife had to beat me off of her! lol this shit works on your penis perfect!!! i knocked the stank off that pussy!!!!!!!!!!!! it will probably work for the homos too!!

At April 23, 2011 1:41 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL, can someone else try this also to see if this will work?
This could be a natural remedy solution an alternative to Viagra and Cialis ! :)

At April 30, 2011 10:22 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I purchased the band in Florida 2 weeks ago and like most of you i to am a skeptic , however i tried the test at the mall and it is no joke i don't know if it does everything they say it can but it definitely has helped me.

At May 01, 2011 5:53 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i bought the band at the same place in florida bbut mine broke not like in half but the magnet thing fell out its a peice of SHIT

At May 04, 2011 11:55 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know if it is mental or if it really works. But the fact is that it is working for me. Then I don't really care if it is my mind playing tricks on me. As long as it's working :-)

At May 06, 2011 1:57 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I put the band on my left wrist and found myself falling asleep at about 11:00am. I couldn't figure out why I was so drowsy. I thought that was strange, so I put the band on my right wrist and felt great for the rest of the day. I really think there is something to this product. I bought one for my dog, just put it on today, waiting to see what it does for him.

At May 07, 2011 4:16 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just bought this band at the mall in Delaware! I've had it on for about 15-20 minutes and I kinda feel refreshed! If I'm feeling like this now, I wonder how I'll be feeling in about a week.

At May 10, 2011 9:35 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

how much are you buying this band for?

At May 14, 2011 12:57 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If your band broke, you go back and they are suppose to replace it. Just like any other remedy out there, it works for some and not others. I loves my EA bracelet!<3

At May 14, 2011 2:39 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had been stressing about my girlfriend leaving me all day, it completely ruined my whole day. I had shortness of breath and my skin was clamy. I bought this band and was really skeptical about it, but within about 20 minutes, I started to feel better, my skin was feeling normal and i was doing better. If its mental then i will take it, i took it off for a little and started to feel everything all over again.

At May 15, 2011 12:05 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i had bought the power balance band and really didn't think it did much, however i bought an energy armour one today. I am very skeptical and money is hard to come by so since this one was more expensive I had to see proof. I took off my power balance did heir test and failed miserably, put power balance on little improvement...put energy armour on one and huge improvement. my mom was with me so I tried test on her as I knew for a fact I would be applying same amount of force each test and it woked on her. She did not want me wasting my money but after she could tell a difference she bought us both one. The difference btween the 2 brands is in the power balance only the hologram is charged. In the energy armour the hologram is purely decoration the silicon is charged, also has higher charge in it. It is definitely worth trying. Don't be afraid to talk them down by 5-10 bucks if buying at a mall kiosk either as they will come down on price.

At May 15, 2011 8:08 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just got one as a gift. Friday night i got sleep but not enough so at work on Saturday i was fighting to stay awake. Saturday night i went to bed at midnight with the wrist band on and the baby woke me up at 545am. I went ahead and got up for work and surprisingly i am not sleepy or draggin butt this morning. Also i had a shoulder muscle that was tight and now its not. Ill give it a few days after working out heavy and then we will see.

At May 16, 2011 7:53 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My left shoulder hurt all the time ,but I got this new band and I feel better.

At May 17, 2011 8:22 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

This should answer your question.

At May 18, 2011 11:30 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I worked for energy armor ,and i can tell you 100% its fake! They showed me how to do the demos on people and once your mind thinks it works. Your mind will start thinking the band is helping you! It was all in my training, i quit the xompany after they got greedy with prices they have gone up in Canada! DONT BUY ONE

At May 18, 2011 1:50 pm, Anonymous HomoRI said...

Dear Anonymous Penis. As a long-time fan of cockrings, I decided to give it a shot upon reading your claim. I've gotta to admit, with much enthusiasm, it works. I just wish you were here to give me a hand with it now.


At May 21, 2011 4:37 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The first time I saw this is when one of my coworkers have them on .When I asked him how it worked the most he said to me was "Man it just makes you have More energy ". At this point I thought it was a load of crap. But I got a chance today as I was walking through the mall, to meet with a guy it actually find out the science behind it. I decided to buy it to give it a try and I can honestly say that I'm impressed. After a few hours of wearing it the joints that normally creek pop clack and click have not done so as they normally would when I walk down a flight of stairs or reach up to get something. I will post Again after getting a chance to sleep for the night with this on just to let you know how it works for me or if it works for me ...

At May 23, 2011 10:21 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha! its a hoax and a ripoff!

At May 27, 2011 6:09 pm, Anonymous BreEasy said...

I bought one because I believe that everything is energy and there may be some benefit from this band. But the test they do is foolish. If you pay attention, the first time they pull your arms down, they actually pull your arms in a certain direction which knocks you off balance. The second test they actually just place their hands on your arms and push straight down. You are more resistant quite naturally

At June 01, 2011 8:53 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My Girl and I were down in Charlotte NC and where stop by a salesgirl tell us how the Energy Armor braclet would do wonders for us well we were suckered in without a second thought.First tshe tells us about our balance then headaches and more well its been at least 6 months and nothing has changed. THIS IS A BIG FEN RIP OFF. How can a fancy rubber braclet do anything but look good, this doesn't work a waster of money. You can flush your money down the toilet its the same just the inventor won't be getting rich.

At June 03, 2011 9:54 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just got one of these bands due to leaving for my Army Basic Combat Training tuesday. If it works, great. If not, my summer will be hell anyways. A lil mental hope will atleast help lol

At June 04, 2011 4:12 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well actually i bought mine with out being tested on i was just in a place where sleep is a possibillity 4 the 25 bucks i just said y not... well 4 the the 1st time ever i fell asleep so fast i didnt even turn the light off and woke up refreshed and full of energy and feeling possitive a few days later i bought 5 more bands 4 my friends and family they all had the same experience . after a month i went back and i told them how amazing the product was not only was i sleeping i was not having to take as much of my ADHD medication and my anxiety medication i had only taken 1 time that month not like 3-4 times a day b4. i dont c how ppl can say science of the band is fake its a natural force and as a person who has had not much success with ADHD solutions and programs wearing 2 bands and 2/3s less medication has finally got me my ballence most days if not for wks it hasnt cured me but nothing will but 4 the 1st time ever i feel very much more able and in control and finally i sleep and i take less pills which is always a better day in my world. Seeing is believing its not in my mind coz even highly strong drugs didnt let me sleep this is real.

At June 15, 2011 10:08 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If this really worked the Department of Defense would make it standard issue for all active duty military, every college, olympic and professional athlete on earth would swear by it. There is a sucker born every minute. I just dont see how these people havent been indicted for false claims.

At June 23, 2011 10:43 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a nurse and use to see the commercials and say "what a scam", but then my husband and I did a demo at the mall as well. The demo "sold me" and we ended up buying 5 (one for each of us and one for each of our children). I have arthritis in my hands and I have to say that it has lessened the pain and I haven't had to take any ibuprofen for 1 week now. It's not a scam...IT"S REAL!

At June 27, 2011 4:11 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I bought the Negative Ion Bracelet I told my son
if this thing works it will have to PROVE it to me.
I'm 75 years old. When I get out of bed in the morning I
always fell stiff & have difficulty moving.
The Negative Ion Bracelet has changed my life. Now when
I get up in the morning I no longer feel stiff & sore. I get
out of bed now feeling relaxed, more energetic and feel
like the clock has turned back about 15 years.
I never take the bracelet off. I now wear two bracelets.
One on my wrist & one around my ankle.

At June 28, 2011 12:49 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just purchased one of these and put it on my car. I placed it around the carburetor and after only 50 or 60 miles my gas mileage went up almost 50%. The car seems to start better and idles smother also .. I would recommend this for all cars . I do not know if it will work with fuel injection but Gas is Gas so it should.

At June 29, 2011 1:56 am, Anonymous cutegeorgiapeach said...

My husband and I just purchased bracelets today for the family. As of now, I can say that I feel very refreshed and relaxed. I will post a comment after wearing the bracelet for some time!

At July 01, 2011 6:15 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did the balance test, sure it worked but that can be manipulated , but the herniated disk in my back can't. I can't say how long but shortly after my purchase, before I could leave the mall that feeling of irritation from my inflammation was gone unbelievably so, it works for me.

At July 02, 2011 11:54 am, Anonymous no name said...

I broke my ankle over a year ago and had constant pain. And one day while in the mall I came across energy armor, after the demo I was sold. After about a week wearing energy armor I noticed a huge decrease in pain in my ankle. Some pain still remains but such a decrease to what I once had. I love energy armor, hoax or not I'm a believer.

At July 03, 2011 12:58 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Works for me! Just need to purchase one for my 89 yr. old mother!

At July 04, 2011 12:57 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Energy Armor, Power Balance, Edge Advantage
all these companies produce a bracelet that has a mylar hologram. The silicon has natural material ie. volcanic ash which produce negative Ions. man made electronics produce positive ions ( positive in this case is bad) The Bad will discharge the +ions Allowing the hologram which produces Scalar energy. Tesla A well Respected physicist in his time was the first person to show the power of Scalar energy. Read up on Scalar energy. get educated before posting such ignorant as in lack of knowledge post

At July 06, 2011 4:14 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've had one since the day after Thanksgiving of 2010. I can feel my joints pop a little less and I feel all around about 10% better. The most noticeable thing I have seen is that *every* time I sleep I have *very* vivid dreams and can remember them when I wake up. The dreams are coherent and occur every night. Normally I would remember one to two dreams a month, normally very short and completely haphazard dreams.

In the store, I noticed the "tests" that the Energy Armor salesperson was doing with the balancing and strength tests and I saw the potential BSery that could occur with his bias in the two trials (push down hard without the bracelet, push down easy with the bracelet to make it seem you, the person being pushed against, is stronger with it). I made him give me a test where he wasn't touching me. The test was to stand, feet planted on a specific point, point a straight finger and arm straight in front of you. Turn the hips, chest and shoulders while still having a straight arm as far as possible with and without the bracelet. With the bracelet, my straight outstretched arm / finger (using a friend as a marker) went 1 foot further than without. I confirmed it 3 times in a row, even TRYING to squeeze out every extra inch of movement without the bracelet.

At July 08, 2011 11:55 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too was skeptical my husband was a non believer we did the "test " at the mall the salesman was great but didnt push us we walked around and came backand bought each of us one I have had mine for a week now I have had Hamstring pain for a year and within two days it has completely went away I also feel more alert and less sleepy during the day my husband says he isnt sure yet believe me its worth a try

At July 12, 2011 4:53 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to say im a Chritian and i tell lies sometimes but im praying for help. And im not lieing when i say this but this Bracelet does work. Before i brought it i couldn't sleep but after i put it on i had sleep in my eyes and woke up felling great. And now no lie im jumping up on people cars. I Play football but i didn't give it a tried for it yet. But when it comes i will have it on. And with faith and this bracelet i will be the Biggest playing to come from where i LIVE. THIS IS No SCAM.

At July 12, 2011 6:03 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to inform everyone who has an interest in this product, that it is in fact a fake. I used to work for the company until I decided that I no longer could sell a product that I did not believe in; and that I felt was ripping people away from their hard earned money.

Our managers have told us to do tests certain ways and to say things that...were not exactly true (even though they told us they were). For instance, they said that EA was the only band to use volcanic ash in the band, not the holographic logo. Another manager told us and customers the power was in these logos.

Sales is sales. We made commission selling these rubber bands so of course we nagged people to buy them. The tests work off of the placebo effect even though EA employees have said and 'tested' to prove otherwise. Blind placebo tests were what we did and to be honest, its not just the mind of the customer that controls the test, but also the employee.

There are plenty of videos and reviews on other websites done by both scam 'busters' and medical professionals. I never once sold one to someone in the medical field, because medical tests from various alternate medicine specialists proved the product false even when using the same tests and conditions as the EA employees.

Its a fad, face it. People will buy b/c their friends are 'benefiting from it' so why shouldn't they? Also, the promises of amazing benefits are so hyped up that it has become borderline false advertisement (why the other energy band company Powerbalance was sued a few years ago).

If you don't believe me, ask the next EA employee that stops you in the mall... When they bring out the big guns (book with tests/studies) The information in this book is never cited to any professional, trustworthy source. Its like Wikipedia, anyone can write it and can make it look good but it doesn't mean its real. When I asked my own former manager where the tests came from, they said medical professionals, doctors, scientists, etc. But realize that never once in these listed 'studies', are Energy Armor bands mentioned. They simply talk about Ion technology and its benefits on humans. Again, they never mention tests on humans were made using the bands themselves. Slight-of-hand.

As soon as I began to doubt the effects of these on my health, I noticed I didn't have that 'feel good' feeling they described would happen. Sleep didn't improve, concentration/focus remained as its always been. Headaches didn't' go away any easier and balance/strength were not improved in the least.

Our employees not only lied about the benefits, but would also say '100% money back guarantee, last you forever, etc..' But when customers came back in with a broken band, the employees would refuse to help saying policies had changed or that another employee said the wrong thing,etc..(I'd say about 1/10th of everyone who approached the kiosk came back with broken bands. Very cheap material) That's a bad return ratio...btw they take less than the flaunted 210lb. test to break.

I just wanted you all to know that before you get sucked into blowing money (they call this type of customer easy walk ups), do your own research on both the bands and the technology. Read what medical professionals say. You trust them with your checkups and health, why not trust them with this.

Who would you believe, the one with an MD testing it or the one trying to make commission selling it?

At July 12, 2011 8:09 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just bought theEnergy Armor at the mall about 2 hours ago.I too am a nurse and was skeptical after seeing a report about a bracelet by another company. I can tell you I really didnt expect much..howeveverI have neurologicsl damage to my lower back and right leg. Was having pain after walking around in the mall. Told the salesperson,!he convinced me to just try it. The first test he did without the bracelet I had pain in my right leg,couldnt hold it up, and was unsteady. With th the bracelet I immeadiately felt less pain, was able to hold my leg upand stay steady. This is not a mind trick, this is real. Ive been dealing with this for many years. The other thing I noticed was that I was having pain before the bracelet in my right ankle,from walking alot( old injury)that began to disappear and now is totally gone. I was feelung tired from working all day,and then walking. I have more energy and am more alert...Id felt sleepy before.Im going to see how it hepls with my sleep because I have problems with that, and see how the next few days go...Ill let you all know;)

At July 14, 2011 2:12 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a lot of science supporting the effects of negative ions and how they support health and well being. I got one of the bracelets. Today I trained with a personal trainer. Haven't trained with one in a few months. Had my bracelet on and felt it helped me have more endurance and energy. I feel more mentally balanced as well. I love my bracelet.

At July 16, 2011 11:39 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's all in your head. I'm a chemist and I can tell you that the distance from your wrist to your blood vessels is too wide to be effected by interatomic (ionic) interactions. Also the test are totally sleight of hand. Try it again and pay a little more attention. The longest electron interactions take place at about 20 Angstroms MAXIMUM which is 0.0000007 centimeters, which is a lot smaller than even our skin, not to mention all the OTHER charged particles which would absorb the interactions. So congratulations to everyone who payed $25 for a rubber band with a shiny sticker on it, because any effects of this product are clearly placebo effects.

At July 18, 2011 1:46 pm, Blogger Professor said...

Most ppl that claim it's a scam only tried it for an hour if at all. I bought my Energy Armor band after looking up the company and finding them on Web MD. I have had mine for over a month and I know I have reduced my Med intake almost to zero, it won't help everyone but it will help those that give it an honest chance. As the skeptics say its all in your head thiers has been mad up before they even bought it, so why did they get it?

At July 18, 2011 2:03 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I ain't wanna be annoymous, this for everyone who say this is fake I bought my energy armor, what a week ago nd I ain't take it off yet I know that this works, and let's say that it don't work and it just a mind thing, I wonder is that bad that your mind tricked u into believing in the rubber thing that's around your hand??? The mind is very powerful-----

At July 20, 2011 12:21 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

just bought mine... but i feel the same. :/

At July 23, 2011 4:22 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't believe it. Bought it. Tried it. Feel great. Believe it now.

At July 25, 2011 10:13 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This band is complete bull shit there is no negative ions or anything I already knew this when I bought it but I got it cause everyone has one and it looks kewl. This is complete fake but get one so u stay in style the are really kewl.

At July 26, 2011 11:19 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the "former employee" idk who u were working for, but NO we are not trained specific ways to do the demonstration. Everyone has their own style, and way of proving and explaining "negative ions." I didn't even know what these bracelets were until I went in for the job interview and they did the "test" on me, and left me in awe. It's not a placebo, or a scam, it's actually SCIENTIFIC....the perfect reason behind why it really is effective.

At July 29, 2011 7:31 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bought one today and no matter which side I wore it on I had euphoric tingling sensations all through my head and face-like a rush it went on and on and I felt very relaxed and happy. I dont care why it works but it seems to do something

At August 03, 2011 1:38 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did the test at the mall and I was astonished that it fixed my balance. I work for the company now. I think its great!

At August 03, 2011 3:03 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok - this may sound crazy but I bought one of these bands after being convinced at the mall kiosk it could help me with energy..specifically my training. I am training for my 3rd half marathon and thought maybe this would improve my performance.Instead,it has had the opposite effect! I wore the band for about a week and started feeling extremely tired about mid day and this is so not me at all! I started having stiffness in my joints, severe tireness, and zero energy. So...I took the band off. In a couple of days I started feeling back to normal again. A few days later, I tried again. Within 2 days, once again I felt like crap! Again, removed the band and now feel good again. Is this a crazy coincidence? Has anyoone else expereienced any similar effects? I am ready to chunk it!

At August 03, 2011 4:19 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

this bracelet is amazing! i got one for free from one of the sales reps and as soon as i put it on i could feel a big difference! i used to not be able to sleep through the night and with the tv or a light on, but now, i can fall asleep anywhere! and through the night! i LOVE my EA! BEST THING EVER BUY ONE!

At August 06, 2011 12:07 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This band is amazing! I didnt believe it at first and wanted nothing to do with it, but after seeing it in a mall in Michigan i stopped and tried the demo. Bought a band and I sleep so much better and I can definitly lift more in my workouts! Just try it! I dunno how it works, but it works.

At August 07, 2011 10:28 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This band is a total scam! The first thing that came out of the sales person's mouth was about sicknesses you could possibly get. Then saying how the band would benefit in sooooo many ways. He said for instance if you had diabetes and you wore the band it would help your diabetes. But I have a friend with severe diabetes and she bought one and it doesn't work for her one bit. I went to the mall today to try the demo and you could plainly tell that when you didn't have the band on he pushed extra hard, but when you had the band on he made it look like he was pushing hard but actually wasn't. But at first you believe it because he got it in to your head "oh this band is amazing!" "This band can do wonders!" But it can't. If it were so amazing you would see pro athletes wearing them. Do not buy this stupid crap! This is a total placebo!

At August 08, 2011 6:47 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am also a employee of energy armor , and it's no scam . Every demo can be performed after the bracelet is purchased no special training is needed tricks .....

At August 08, 2011 11:56 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

its a scam period

At August 10, 2011 3:35 pm, Blogger Dan said...

Isn't it funny how all the positive feedback about this stupid thing is from "Anonymous" Hmmmmm.

At August 10, 2011 11:25 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I manage an Energy Armor kiosk. FOR THE RECORD, we do not influence or cheat on any of our tests. There is a reason all of the other bands are in class-action lawsuits, and we're going strong! If you don't believe in science then don't buy it, but don't spread lies about a product.
For all you skeptics check out the Webmd article on negative ion therapy...SCIENCE!!

At August 11, 2011 7:37 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some thing to think about.

At August 13, 2011 12:02 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Say what u want but... My son came home with one of these bands for me and i asked him why the hell did u waste ur money on that! He just asked me to try it out, if it didnt work toss it. A couple of days later we were talking about it and i noticed that the stiffness in my fingers had been reduced to where i could actually bend them and that i had been getting up earlier than normal. say what u want, it works for me.

At August 13, 2011 1:25 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

For anyone who does not believe that the balance tests are real, please drop by an Energy Armor kiosk with a friend and ask to have your friend do the test on you.

I just opened a kiosk at the Cataraqui Town Centre in Kingston and I have no problem at all allowing someone who is not trained do the test.

All we have been trained to do is to try and do the test exactly the same way with and without the bracelet.

At August 13, 2011 1:43 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My Husband and I each bought one at the fair last night.. and within 5 min. of wearing felt a huge difference in my mood and clearity... I actually had to take it off to sleep.. because i felt so energized by it... but it on this moring, and have been wearing it all day and my mental state has been awesome!! LOVE IT!! There is REALLY something to this whole ion thing!!! Blessings!!

At August 13, 2011 11:50 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My parents, bf, and I saw the kiosk at the mall this past May and when my dad did the test, he bought into it so we ended up buying 5 (because he's normally a skeptic at these things) and the pet stuff. They had mentioned the exchange policy in case it ever breaks, guaranteed for life... well we went the other day cause both my mom's and mine broke, and they WOULDN'T HONOR IT! They said their policy changed and I could buy one of their "newer, more durable" ones for $30. I'm sorry, but that's poor customer service when you suddenly change your policy and don't even give old customers that chance to market it for you (I.e. try out the new one for free and at least continue to use it) because I had believed it worked, except it's not durable. It did break a few times and had it exchanged, but this one time when the product suddenly changed, they stopped caring about the people who actually use their old product. To me, why on earth would you want it exchanged if you don't think it works? So they should really treat their customers a bit better if they want more business... I'm going to stop going to them because of how they treated me... and my parents stopped believing it works. I think it's all in the mind, really. I mean if you buy into it and it works for you, then that's all the better for you, but I don't believe their claims. And their customer service (at least at the kiosk we went to) sucked!

At August 17, 2011 5:46 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

quite remarkable product!!! my carpal tunnel in right wrist subsided within 48 hours, and somehow even my computer mouse seems to work better, computer processor seems to run faster. hmmm.

At August 18, 2011 7:39 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have never believed any of this magnetic band/ion band stuff. I said that if I ever see a demonstration of the product, that I would prove it does not work. The thing is, I have multiple sclerosis, and have constant vertigo and major balance issues. So, my Daughter and I were out shopping and saw an Energy Armour Kiosk. I watched a couple of shoppers get their "demonstration", and after a small crowd had formed, I asked to try the product.
I cannot stand on 2 feet without wobbling, let alone one foot. Well, this is what the energy armour person had me do, and needless to say, I almost tumbled to the ground. Well, long story short, I put on the darned bracelet, and for the first time since I became ill with MS, I was able to stand on 1 foot, with my arms stretched out, AND my eyes shut, AND DID NOT WOBBLE!
I bought one, and immediately noticed that I was no longer waking up every time I changed position in my sleep, due to vertigo. So, if it is a "mind thing", explain why it helps me while I am sleeping.
I am stable in my walking now. I no longer walk like I am drunk. This bracelet has been amazing. I never thought I would ever take the time to write about something like this.
It works!!

At August 18, 2011 9:40 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's made in China ppl. Not saying everything in China is junk, but it costs pennies to make. Way to expensive, and I believe some idiot is making good money from this> They break easy, and yes the kiosks employees are on commission sales.. Everyone of them! If they were on reg. hourly with no commission do you think they would be hounding you and telling you lies that it will help with every single sickness you have? I seriously doubt this product, and yes I was suckered into buying one for each of my family.. They don't work! I think most of the positive comments come from employees from Energy Armor.

At August 24, 2011 6:54 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have no idea as to why the names show up anonymous on here. I hope mine doesn't show up that way, bc i want my name to be known! I am a person who don't believe that products work all the time. I'm a firm believer and don't trust products these days. I ALWAYS investigate things before i buy it. I was skeptical of this to the fullest. I did the test and also the sales person asked me to do a solo test!! Where I stand straight, hold my arms out like a plan and twist my body as far as i could twist it. I twist my body til it hurt!! I then put on the bracelet and was asked to do the exact samething and I should be able to to twist my body further. I was like "yeh right!' Well, I must tell you ALL that I was able to twist my body alot further that i was able to do when i DID NOT have the bracelet on!!! So there, I did not have any contact with the salesperson at all. I did a solo test and I was impressed!! I am a diabetic who was tired all the time. Not being able to sleep at night either. I can now sleep better more and have more energy that i've had since being a diabetic. I was always tired, no energy even with taking vitamins! Since i tried this band, I have more energy and know it works. And noo I don't work for the company, However, I wanted to see more feed backs before i apply for a position with the company. I want to work and sale this product! I feel really confident in it and will continue do a little more research so that i maybe able to stand behind the product even more. heck i only paid $20 for the bracelet and have paid more $ for vitamins and protein drinks just to get my energy back since being diagnosed with diabetes. So yes it works, whatever the bracelet has in it and/or doing.I love it. My husband and I both have one and we both love it! So kudos to the person who came up with the band i say!!! Oh now i see why people are have to have a google or aim account it looks like. So if you don't have a account, then your post comes up anonymous for those who didn't know!!! My name is Carla Patterson I live in Chicago! i bought my bracelet at a kios in the mall in nashville while visiting!

At August 26, 2011 4:41 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, for this story to work and make sense you have to understand that until today I had never, ever heard of this thing.
Like, ever.

I get out of work at the mall and I see a friend at some kiosk so I go up to her; this dude I have never met walks up to me, hands me this bracelet.
Says to my friend "Hey stand up, feet together, put your arms straight out to the side, and lift one of your feet."

She looks at him sort of nonplussed, and does so.
He turns to me and says "Push down on her elbow and make her fall over".
So I did, it was pretty lulzy.
He has her set up again and he tells me to put that band on her shoulder and do it again.
I put the band on her shoulder and I push, and she just sort of stands there looking at me. So I push harder and she's still standing there.

It was the weirdest damn thing. Neither of us had heard about this thing before, and this guy has us do to the test on each other (with no involvement from himself other than basic, simple instructions.

He didn't even explain to us what the band was until after he'd had us do all of the tests on each other. I had no freaking idea what was going on but God damn it was eerie. It couldn't have been mental (for me at least) because I've NEVER HEARD OF IT BEFORE.

Anyways, he sold it to me for five bucks, so I figured why not.

At August 29, 2011 10:46 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, i just bought energy armor couple of days back, i noticed a lot of difference in my day to day activity.I generally get tired very quickly but when i wore this,I found a huge difference in myself Now I am on my feet the whole day and I am very active. I don't feel lethargic at all My right knee is always paining after i wore this, the pain in my knee has completely disappeared. I think for the sake of health its worth it. I bought it only after i asked a couple of people who were using it.

At August 30, 2011 6:57 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scam. They wouldn't give me a refund.

At September 11, 2011 5:22 am, Blogger Lesley S, Glasgow said...

Hi, I bought one of these yesterday and I am convinced that it is making me feel mentally sharper and energised. I'll be going back to get more for my parents I'm so confident in it! I paid £20 for mine and feel it was worth the money already, after just 24 hours of feeling better :-)

At September 11, 2011 10:05 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Idiots who "used" to work for EA probably got kicked out or something for doing the job wrong and thinking like idiots with idiotic hypothesis of their own, getting all frustrated and posting negative comments in here. Let me tell you something. With the new bracelets with way more negative ion charges, the impact has been bigger from what I've noticed and there's no TRICK. We just gotta know how to do the demo and DO EXACTLY THE SAME THING with and without the bracelet. Of course there's gotta be some idiots who naturally suck at doing exactly the same thing or understanding how to do the test properly. AKA "the used to be employees".
Demos aside, I'm with EA myself and I have no personal impressive comments beside the fact that I'm way less tired than before and I have more strength and endurance in my workouts. But I got TONS of crazy feed backs that even I (THE SALESPERSON) couldn't even believe them myself. I mean, even people who used to have canes no longer have canes when they came back to see me (but they're wearing the new EA bracelets). Really? And tons more comments that are pretty common to what's already mentioned by others up there. Placebo effect? I've used FAKE BANDS by telling them that they're 10 times more powerful, more charged in negative ions. They laughed their asses off at how the band sucked. I laughed back at them telling that I was lying and that the band had nothing special. Retested with real bands, worked.
The bracelets REALLY have negative ions in there, but different models and colors have different negative ion charges. I know it because some manufacture places have machines that can measure ions and THEY HAVE NO CONNECTION WITH EA. They have confirmed the presence of negative ions in the EA bands. Make more researches on the science facts about negative ions. Only uneducated or close-minded people wouldn't believe in those. Do you believe in science? If you do, get your knowledge RIGHT. Because some dumb asses believe in science but with super dumb hypothesis, theories, etc. Everything should explain why all the good things work.
If you don't believe in science, then it's like as if I don't believe you have a penis (if you're a dude). Even if you wanna show it off that you really have one, I'd think it's a fake penis. That's dumb right? Well, that's how dumb people are towards this science.
Oh and by the way, EA is NOTHING LIKE Power Balance. Yes they aim for the same concepts but Power Balance fails miserably.

Just a little warning for those who wanna buy the bracelets: Don't buy it if you're allergic to plastics especially silicone. The band is made of silicone infused of volcanic ash. Also, for some people, the new bracelets (powerful ones) might cause you to experience DIZZINESS in the first minutes, hours or day. BUT you will feel MUCH better later, way better than the days before wearing it.
Over and out.
- An honest EA salesperson from Montreal Canada.

At September 12, 2011 2:08 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

one day my girl and i went to the mall with our two boys and in the mall after walking around for about an hour i started hurting again, i've had neck surgey in 2008 and alot of back pain so therefore we stumbled upon this guy selling these braceletts so we all 4 tried the demo yeah it was cool we all 4 believed it .. now we all 4 dont if you really want a bracelett that i would swear by go ton medical / golf braceletts i will swear by it. i got the coil with the 2 gold balls on the end of it , it works for all ur pain and hurts.

At September 12, 2011 12:41 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

question for anyone who know - I am 4 weeks pregnant and have been wearing Energy Armor since month and a half. Should I stop wearing it? Please advise if you know. Thanks

At September 12, 2011 6:06 pm, Anonymous trevor said...

Well i bought one from the outlets near me and at first i honestly thought it was bs (i still do). But, i do feel a bit more energetic during my college classes and I'm more stimulated by topics in classes that interest me. I'll admit it takes longer for me to fall asleep but when i do i sleep like a rock. I guess they work haha but I've yet to be fully convinced!

At September 14, 2011 12:22 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I felt a tingling sensation too! Kinda scary. In my arm and the side of the face that the bracelet was on. Crazy but I feel better as a whole!

At September 14, 2011 4:40 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bought the energy armor bands and I am not sure if it works or not.It may be all in your head and if it is at least you are getting a positive feeling.If it gives you more energy good for you get out and excercise.Have a great day.When I listened to the sales person tell me about the band,it sounded rediculous,but decided to get one anyway.

At September 18, 2011 9:21 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whether it's the band or mind over matter...when I wear my band I sleep longer and better. Since wearing mine I haven't had to take any Ambien. Before the band I could take 2 Ambien and still not sleep. I had cancer last year and the medication I've had to take this year has so many side effects. With the band my muscle and joint pain is much less. Wishful thinking....WHO CARES! They aren't that expensive-give it a try. If it works, great. If not, take it back.

At September 18, 2011 9:23 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So I have my own Energy Armor bracelet and I wanted to see if they would do the exact same demo they do for everyone if I was secretly wearing the bracket. Would the demo person knock me off my balance and then when I'm holding the bracket would I miracoulously have extra balance. Well low and behold the demonstration went the exact same way it would for a person that was not wearing the bracket (It was under my long sleeve sweater, they did not see it but I had one on the whole time) after the demo was done I actually felt like they were pulling a scam with it all, how could she knock me off balance the first time if I already had there product on, this to me seems like a TOTAL LIE and a very misleading demo, she then went on when I told her I had one on the whole time, she said well it did seem you had very good balance. So then why was she not able to knock me down the second time, I was wearing a bracket the whole time. She then tried to sell me a second one say that the more you have the better my balance would be, so is that to say if I wear ten of these brackets that not even god himself could knock me over? Or would I have to wear 30 for that results. To me it just does not seem right misleading consumers this way, and I don't know how they are allowed to look customers in the face and out right lie to them about there product. It's seems dishonest and illegal to me, but somehow they are still allowed to do it.

At September 19, 2011 1:24 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My husband gave me a band and today is my first day wearing it, i really didn't know too much about these bands, i just started lifting weights about a week ago and today i was able to lift non stop without taking several little breaks (which was shocking). After about 10 to 15 minutes later I looked at my wrist and i'm 100% sure it had to have been the engery band, because i totally forgot i had it on so with me i know it wasn't a mind thing...i really believe this band it gonna be a plus for me!

At September 20, 2011 2:43 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can find out more information at the main website for Energy Armor Canada, it's

We would be happy to answer any of your questions or concerns.

At September 20, 2011 4:49 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just got my Energy armor a fews days ago.. Its cool looking.. but I do think the tests they perform are a joke.. If you pay attention you can see how they push on you to make you fall over . Its the way the postion their hands ..JOKE! but I have to say I have suffered from back pain for years !! Im only 28 and the past couple days my back has been feeling amazing!! so if this is a mind game then fine but I will continue to wear if it tricks my mind!!

At September 22, 2011 10:41 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

True story. My husband and I each bought a band at the local fair about a month ago. I have a herniated disc in my back and a bad hip from a fall a few years ago. Keep in mind, I am "young" (in my 30's,) but felt more like double that age. I could not bend in certaiin directions because of the muscles/ligaments whatever and even more because of the pain. Now, about a month later, I have NOTED increase in my motion. I can move in ways I have not been able to in years. I am not free of pain - this isn't a magic healing rubber bracelet - but have MUCH less pain and MORE motion. I didn't believe it, either. But I'm now a believer. -- oh, and my name is HOPE ... not "anonymous"

At September 23, 2011 2:09 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i bought this thinking it wouldent work but its benn a cupple of weeks and it has helped me inprove in football and regular days. cuz of this i cought my firstt interseption, and i cant caught well if anybody wants to buy this i say u should.

At September 27, 2011 3:28 pm, Blogger tim 8>)... said...

Well, I bought one of these at the home show a few weeks back, and got to say, it really seems to work for me. 1) Slipped on a puddle of water in a store and managed to keep my balance (at an unfit 58 yrs old). The 20ish guy in line behind me was surprised and said he never could have kept his balance! 2)I have neuropathy in both my feet, which drugs and creams barely keep in check. Since wearing the band, I've stopped the Lyrica and cut back on the cream, yet manage to sleep the whole night through where I used to wake up 2 or 3 times from the pain. So, for whatever the reason, it's been working for me.

At October 01, 2011 10:07 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bought one in Columbia 10-1-11 and for the first time in 2years I fell asleep without lunesta. My energy level is up and my mood has been better than great! I am no scientist but i am a 43year old realist. This band works and it is worth every penny.

At October 02, 2011 5:59 pm, Blogger Don Runco said...

I just on Friday i went to the mall and i bought the energy armor and i was amazed i went to bed that night with the band on and woke up next morning and my back pain was gone for the first time ever i slept great i have had two back surgeries i have two medial rods in my back and i have been in pain since energy armor really does work i took it off to do a test on it i slept horrible i tossed and turned all night and woke up in the morning and the back pain was back IT REALLY WORKS

At October 04, 2011 9:52 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just brought it. Tired of being lazy n said let me Give it a Chance.. I really feel Good .. more Refreshed,motivated n more.. going back this weekend to see what size my teenager wears n get him one cause he does play football n get other love ones one... Who were just as Critical as me, thinking its. A Joke! It's a Necessitie!

At October 08, 2011 8:20 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My fiance and I went to the fair today and I bought two. One for me and one for him. At first I did not think it would work. I did the balance test and I did poorly on it. After I put the bracelet on my balance was fine. I hurt my back Monday morning at work and I had the worse pain in my whole life. After today my back has no pain and I can do things that I could not do before. By the way I am doing anonymous because I do not want others to know my information. I do not work for the company.

At October 09, 2011 1:21 am, Blogger Anonymous said...

I bought two energy armor bands today at Grapevine Mills, Texas for $40 each and was wondering why there's a $10 mark up.

At October 11, 2011 1:04 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At October 11, 2011 1:09 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At October 11, 2011 1:15 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At October 19, 2011 1:26 am, Blogger nd4sprn said...

I have seen alot of people wearing different ones, but today my wife and I were in the mall and demo'd the bracelet. My wife had gotten in a car accident years ago and couldnt lift her right arm very much, she put the bracelet on and she could lift it. We came home and she took it off and couldnt lift the arm. So she put it back on and can lift the arm and has normal range of motion. I definetly feel calmer after putting it on. I feel more of a gravitational pull. I dont know if its a placebo effect or not, but who cares, if it works it works. People believe in all sorts of things that work for them, take religions. I guess it really doesnt matter. If you believe something works, then it does. I think its worth the money to buy this if you can have some positive outcome in your life. We are.

At October 19, 2011 3:06 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my menopause symptoms have almost disappeared after wearing it for less than a week. I was having hot flashes a couple times an hour! It was miserable. Now, I do not experience hot flashes. I get a little flush and then it fades. Mind game or not, I will take it!

At October 21, 2011 8:30 am, Anonymous Customer Complaints said...

I read this article, this article very informative and interesting..I refer your blog to many of my friends as well.
Thanks for sharing knowledge..

At October 26, 2011 10:01 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being a health care professional and a sceptic of the highest degree, even when it involves FDA approved pharmaceuticals - curiosity got the best of me with the EA bands. I've heard and seen others wearing similar bands throughout the years and never gave it much thought. My sister sent me a EA Superband, not the old one with the hologram. I've tried for the past 2 months to prove that thing a liar. I first noticed the morning after I first slept with it that I woke up without any pain or discomfort, I was able to jump out of bed and seize the day, something I never been able to do for years. I sleep great and feel great all day long. When I take it off, it takes about 2-3 days when I start feeling body pain again. I also use it on different parts of my body, back to relieve pain....I had my brother test it for radioactive substances, he said no, Not radio active. I know that it absolutely works - and people that deny it works either have a defective one, one of lower negative ions or just aren't paying attention to how it is affecting their bodies. Put it to the test and prove it a liar, I tried and still cannot prove that it does not work. I Love negative ions and plan to do more research on it. Science is Great!! Remember when people believed the world was flat and refused to believe that it might possibly be round.

At October 28, 2011 6:54 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

only god works

At November 04, 2011 7:45 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't care what any one says..I would wake up every night with aches across my shoulders (old age)I had to get up and walk around for awhile then go back to bed... and I felt tired a lot during the day ...could not be bothered doing anything...I bought the bracelet and after a week or so I noticed no more shoulder pain and I'm pretty active.. so there

At November 05, 2011 5:03 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...



At November 13, 2011 12:47 pm, Anonymous alanna said...

I work at a store and we've just started selling these Energy Armor bracelets (in Canada) I'm very skeptical and I can't say whether the effects of the bracelet is in a person's head or not but I can say that I've NEVER been told to push on a person's arm a certain way I push the same with or without the bracelet and it seems to work. I also found the flexibility test worked for me. I don't know if I believe all the claims about them (I havent tried having one on for any longer than the demo yet) but I can say there's no way I would sell these bracelets if the tests were decieving I can't lie to people and I would refuse to sell them. Even still I only tell people what I know; I show them the demo, I tell them it seems to work on me and most of the people I've tried it on (so far its only not worked on my boyfriend who has really good balance and I couldn't push him off balance with or without the bracelet) and I tell them that I can't prove that they do all the things the company claims but I have heard alot of good stuff about them (which is true) I've had alot of customers telling me they have helped with certain things, I'm still a bit skeptical but I can say that I'm not deceiving anyone as people above have said who sell them and I think that deceiving people like that with tricks in their demos is disgusting.

At November 14, 2011 6:29 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

True Story,

As i got older one of my nuts (left one) has been drooping about an inch lower than the right nut. My wife hates it though because t-bagging her left cheek is getting banged up like 911. Anyways, i wrapped the Energy Armor bracelet around my right nut and walla! Cured! Both of them hang perfectly! although i think it may have been from the weight pulling it down! but either way i feel GREEAAAAT!!!

At December 05, 2011 8:13 am, Anonymous jojo & shawn said...

My husband and myself bought the stainless steel bracelets just two days ago. So we are still new to what may occur for us. But we both noticed right away we slept more then normal. We both frequent the gym so we are looking forward to see how it will help us with our workouts. So far we are very happy with our purchase.

At January 11, 2012 4:23 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can tell you they treat there employees horribly .they cheat you on ur pay and ur pay stub dosent even say what you make per hour.they operate under negative ion wellness products llc.they fine employees $200 for not being able to go to work even if you call in 24hrs ahead of time,hidden rules and shaved hours and some have worked for 3 weeks and not receive a pay check..and the reason for anonymous is fear of law suit that they are good at making threats of ..BEWARE!!!

At January 16, 2012 11:45 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bought two clear energy armor bands at the south Florida fair last night. One for myself and the other for my 56 year old husband. We both suffer with neck, back and joint pain as well as arthritis frim age. I did better on the balance test with the bracelet on then off. My husband did the core strength test and had the same results with and without the bracelet on. The salesperson commented on my husbands strong core strength. The other sales person tried the same test on my husband and same results. The balance test proved differently, he did do better standing on one leg with it in than off. I even had my eyes closed for my test. I had surgery 5 years ago for breaking my neck and back. I have a cervical and spinal fusion with 3 12" titanium rods and multiple screws securing my spine from level c2- t3. I live on very strong narcotic pain medication, on disability, sleep terribly, never through the night without waking up 3-5 times, am tired throughout the day due to lack of life quality, pain severity which varies daily and being sedentary. I am 45 years old and nap each day around 2 pm for about an hour and a half. I have had the bracelet on for 26 hours now straight. I have to say, I haven't been tired today, I slept better than usual (not straight through the night) and I didn't need to nap today, very strange. The fact that I am still "wide" awake and it's almost 11:30 pm is an abnormality for me. I hope I get tired soon so I can go to sleep. I awoke at 5 am this morning too. Now I can't comment on pain lessening (yet) but am hoping. I read through all 106 comments on this blog to iChat for the past two hours and I have mixed emotions from both the "believers" and the "skeptics". I hope it works for me. I bought the two for $40 and got a life time guarantee with purchase. My husband hasn't noticed any real effects yet. However he is fighting off a cold and sinus infection. I figure if it diesnt work than I lost $40. The same I spend on manicures and pedicures in a month. If it dies work, even psychosomatically then I'm ahead of the game. With chronic pain often comes depression and I want to have better moods since I have 3 kids, the youngest being a typical, hormonal 16 year old teenage daughter!! Those of you with teenagers know what I'm talking about. I plan to wear it continuosly for a week and journal pain and energy levels and will come back to update my post, sans bullshit. I used to lead a very active life and have tried so much to regain some of that life quality. I would love to be able to decrease my pain medication, drive a car, take a walk or even ride a bike again, to participate in life so to speak instead of watching it pass me by. I'm optimistic but not a "sucker or a fool", I will be honest with my update next week. My name is Lisa Vota. I live in south Florida and I do believe in the amazing power of the mind as well as new holistic cures bring marketed these days. I hope others experience positive results as well.

At January 25, 2012 10:53 am, Anonymous Ds said...

Totally useless product. Figured I'd keep an open mind and give it a whirl. Nothing. No impact on balance, energy, etc. Slept WORSE than without it. What a waste. Fortunately didn't cost me much and I've blown more money on other useless health products in the past. I wouldn't recommend it but, hey, maybe it does work for some people. But I can't see how it could. Volcanic ash, embedded in silicon, as an ion generator - to affect the body via the skin? Right.

At February 03, 2012 9:12 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting. I also work for Energy Armor and was trained to do exactly the same thing each time, with and without the band. My guess is that "something" happened that has made you angry with EA.

My sister-in-law and my niece also work with EA and they were trained the same way as I was. We do this because we believe in the product.

At February 09, 2012 2:31 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Dumbass, did you know your skin absobs 85% of all negative ions?
Go study the science behind it. Bracelets aren't the only way of geting negative ions. You can also buy Air Purifier and Water Filters to get ions.

At February 16, 2012 9:36 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I Bought mine about 6 weeks ago, after a friend of mine who is normally very skeptical bought one and said he noticed a world of difference. So I bought mine and low and behold.

What ever the concept of it is? I have found a lot more energy, postive out look , and my endurance swimming has been incredible. So be it mind of matter or what have you? I am glad that I have invested in this bracelet

At March 05, 2012 2:41 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was skeptical someone try to sell me one for $39 but I refused until a good salesman got me and sold me one for $20. Don't work. I'm still the same no energy... I have it for two weeks now I was sleeping very well, until two days ago I've been without sleep.

At March 06, 2012 4:41 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually yes..i have one and it helps me with my focus but im more tired and my knees sometimes get stiff..

At March 07, 2012 11:26 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

get a life, who cares about your sex life pal. Tie a elastic band on and see what happens bobbit

At March 14, 2012 12:32 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im also skeptical so why not, I gave it a try paid $25 it did not work for body pain but my energy level was up and I sleep beter.

At March 20, 2012 6:50 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My wife and two of my friends bought the bracelet recently and have to admit that I do fdeel better and can wash my feet in the shower without leaning against the wall and most of the shoulder pain that I have had for years has gone but it did not improve my golf swing as he promised me. I am a believer in this product as well as the other couple that bought thiers with us. Try it and see for yourself

At April 04, 2012 9:41 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had just got one today and I feel good I haven't shot hoops like this in a wile

At April 10, 2012 10:42 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's just stupid!

At April 16, 2012 9:57 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is hysterIccaly sleeping? Learn english

At April 16, 2012 6:21 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can talk that way about ur wife n two no way that band fit ur pens lol

At April 26, 2012 4:04 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was also so skeptical, but since I got my band I can now move around with the power of my own mind. Incredible.

At April 30, 2012 10:54 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have used negative ion technology. It absolutely works but it depends on the brand. So many companys are making knock off with 18-20 neg ions in them. I've tried several bands. the only one that is effective is a brand called Energy Armor, but that is because they put a high number of negative ions in their bands 2000-3000? you will feel the difference. The science and technology does have an effect. Need to ask how many neg ions in product before you purchase any other bands. and test it out. I love mine. I wear 3, but only because I have to for chronic pain. I dont like taking pain medication. most people only need 1.

At April 30, 2012 10:59 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It works great for body pain, but I found I needed more than 1. after trying the ones in the store (which didnt work) I was at a kioske energyarmor, they have the real ones with lots of neg ions...dont know how long they last, but Ive had mine since Sept 2011 and pain free

At May 15, 2012 1:35 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did a double bling folded test, ( testor and testee) with teh real band on the person tested gave much higher scores than with out. ( we used 1-10 rating rubberband got about 4 av adn band bout 7.5) only 3rd person puttig bands on know whicdh is which. Try it

At May 19, 2012 5:47 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have felt physically worse too. I have lived with chronic pain for over 20 years, and this band has seemed to make the pain worse. I have had crazy bad dreams every single night since buying the band. That's why i just did a search for energy armor fraud, and found this site. I'm talking mine off.

At May 20, 2012 4:49 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At May 29, 2012 10:03 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

First its not a magnet. Second the band is made with the negative IONS in the band. I guess if yous do your homework before spoutting OFF youd would know what you are talking about. Third the long term health benefits are incredible.

At May 30, 2012 1:10 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not sure if anyone is going to read this reply. I wish I had done research sooner on these bands. As others have said, it is a fad. I found a much better band with awesome customer support. I've seen the testing against this particular brand of band. I've tried returning the old bands because of breakage and the warranty is not supported. I even wrote a letter to corporate for an explanation and still have not received a reply after almost 3 weeks. I refuse to spend any more money on such an unreliable company.

At June 19, 2012 11:03 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you morons buy a bracelet and think it will give you energy or make you sleep better? are you mentally challenged without a HS degree? do you morons buy vitamins instead of eating right? How in the world did you idiots find the internet in the first place? you buy this, you are the biggest sucker ever

At June 21, 2012 12:19 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have balance issues due to a medical condition. I tested someone's else's bracelet. After that I was impressed. My balance has greatly improved. I can stand without my legs shaking or losing my balance. If I take my band off and forget to put it back on, I can tell the difference. I'm not one who is easily sold on items like this. This I must say is legit for me.

At November 23, 2012 5:26 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

November 23 2012

Just back from visit to USA. Saw these in Florida Mall. Have seen top golfers (eg Rory McIlroy, Lee Westwood) wearing them. Bought the steel bracelet and must admit I am sleeping so well and have relieved pain in some areas since. I should say that I am a C4 tetraplegic but can walk, and my balance is now so much better. If it is only mind over matter then at least that is something.

At November 28, 2012 3:23 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At November 28, 2012 3:27 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You wear 3,huh. well if each band has 2000-3000...2000-3000 what? how are neg ions measured and how much or how many does your body need? not sure you know what your talking about. You must work for the company

At November 28, 2012 3:31 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are suppose to be sore after you work out. And on a scale from 1-10, how do you get 100?? Not to much credit there

At November 28, 2012 3:34 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are effin stupid!! so you are saying it only works where u wear it? they are made for your wrist. and they claim to help out with balance?!?! last time i checked i dont walk on my hands.

At November 28, 2012 3:41 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

here is a trick for you, after you get the test done by one of the people at the mall, before u buy it, try it on your friend or better yet before u take it off have your friend do the test on you. i was gonna give my friend the test and they kept saying i was doing it wrong and thats way they fell over. so i guess u have to be falling a certain way for them to work. ie if you play sports make sure u get pushed in the right way for it to work lol.. come on guys, really

At November 28, 2012 3:42 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol sure ask your dog how he feels...

At November 28, 2012 3:44 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At November 28, 2012 3:54 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A ripoff??? How you can say that??? I saw it on TV so it has to works. People think this rubberband gives u energy just because of the name. just imagine what people would say it it was called "SmartBand"

At January 22, 2013 7:48 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I tried the balance test at a kiosk and because I'm old and cannot balance on one foot, I could not do the test. I still bought one and hope it works. By the way, its cheaper on the web.

At January 22, 2013 7:54 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If they use some kind of ash to infuse the silicone bracelet, how do they get the ash or whatever they use to put the negative ions in metal bracelets? And keep it there.

At January 22, 2013 8:03 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, one hung low and now they hang perfectly. Bet your balance is better too.

At January 26, 2013 2:46 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, one hung low. Now that they hang evenly, you must have perfect balance

At March 06, 2013 10:48 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

lolz tha waz amazing amazing sex story . lolz ea ppl shud gve such tests at there stalls to . . . cant stop my self laghing .

At March 06, 2013 10:49 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

hope he felt good !!!

At March 30, 2013 2:07 pm, Blogger Abhishek said...

I went to mall today and the sales guy performed demo on me. It was effective. He also show me a newpaper cutting showing steven finn(english bowler) wearing the same. The super band was costing INR 1600 for me. He was giving 2 stickers costing around Rs. 200 with the band. I started bargaining but he was in no mood to sell it in anything less than Rs. 1600. I didnt buy today as i wanted to do some research before buying. After rading all these comments, i am confused. As some people are saying it's worth buying while others claims it to be a scam.

At May 04, 2013 12:09 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't knock it untilled you try it.

At May 08, 2013 8:38 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just imagine what people would say if you could type.

At May 15, 2013 8:49 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel this is a scam. I bought mine 2wks ago as I was having pain in my rt hand for about 6 months now. It has not eased my pain any. I have not felt more energetic, as a matter of fact I have been feeling more sluggish. I have been having naps every afternoon when I have never did before. I know there is no sense trying to get my $200.00 back. Took mine off today and am feeling better.

At May 23, 2013 7:13 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know what he meant so why be a d bag?

At June 16, 2013 9:13 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bought my energy-armor band 6-5-13 n i have rods in my ankle n was is a big accident 01 so ive been in alot of pain since. The band is crap, unless i buy 3more n where one on each wrist n ankles i would maybe say different...... So far its just crap worst $$ ever spent! I so want to return!!

At September 21, 2013 1:49 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

o god u guys r sooo funny,.... i cant stop laughing......

At October 04, 2013 2:54 am, Blogger Unknown said...

Look bro we get it you don't believe it works. I beg to differ. Do a test put your arms straight out to your sides palms to the sky shoulder height stand on one leg have some one take two fingers and push down on one of your arms bet you fall over. Then do the same thing with one on bet you they have to push till they bruise your arm because you become more stable .

At October 04, 2013 2:57 am, Blogger Unknown said...

Its not magic it works with chemical's in your body, and no I don't work for the company just a satisfied customer. I'll laugh if you say the test didn't work because me and my girl both did it and believe me there was a difference

At January 14, 2014 12:52 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You had an issue with "hystericcally sleeping", but had no problems with "this band is the most unbelievably worst thing i've have ever been given to in my life?" Lmao.. Think you both need to learn English :P

At January 24, 2018 2:36 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thats funny as hell

At April 03, 2023 5:07 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Energy Armor is a company that produces jewelry and other accessories that supposedly have health benefits through the use of negative ion technology. However, there is little scientific evidence to support these claims, and many experts view them as pseudoscientific. Additionally, the company has faced controversy in the past due to misleading advertising and the sale of products that were falsely advertised as being made in the United States. While some individuals may believe in the benefits of negative ion technology, it is important to be skeptical and do thorough research before purchasing any products from Energy Armor or similar companies.

At April 03, 2023 5:09 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Energy Armor is a company that produces jewelry and other accessories that supposedly have health benefits through the use of negative ion technology. However, there is little scientific evidence to support these claims, and many experts view them as pseudoscientific. Additionally, the company has faced controversy in the past due to misleading advertising and the sale of products that were falsely advertised as being made in the United States. While some individuals may believe in the benefits of negative ion technology, it is important to be skeptical and do thorough research before purchasing any products from Energy Armor or similar companies.


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