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Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Bitmoji Scam Reviews Complaints

We received a complaint from someone asking us to post it, here is the story below:

An employee of Bitmoji recently posted a defamation complaint.

Be aware of Annissa Schwartz, she is a Senior Designer at Bitmoji Snap Inc. studied or currently studies at Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology,

We believe Annissa Schwartz posted a fake negative review, And we believe that she is hoping to get free food in return, which is criminal and basically called defamation by libel.

Here is what she posted:

"I haven't eaten here, BUT, I was looking into ordering food tonight and although there were some bad reviews, I'm looking at the responses from the restaurant that are awfully combative and defensive. Instead of offering the customer a resolution or apologizing, they go the "Amy's Baking Company" route and blame the customer and call their reviews false and a criminal offense.

I won't be ordering here, purely based on their deplorable customer service and overly defensive attitude. Shameful."

Here was our reply to her:

"So you haven't even ate here and you are already judging by some fake reviews?
Thanks and Good luck with your fake review!

I'm sure that you and everyone can see that we replied to the reviews offering a resolution, but no one had ever called us yet, which shows they are fake complaint reviews same as yours.

There are customers that posts fake complaints who live on free food given by restaurants, such customers commit a crime called "defamation by libel", which basically means extortion.

Since we haven't heard back from these who we believe are fake and posted by competitors, we had edited the message and posted this on their fake complaint:

***We never heard back from this person after our reply to them, it looks like another fake false review from a possible competitor which you can IGNORE! :)

There are many fake false and defamation reviews online, and defamation is a crime in Canada***

Criminal Code ( R.S.C. , 1985, c.
298 (1) A defamatory libel is matter published, without lawful justification or excuse, that is likely to injure the reputation of any person by exposing him to hatred, contempt or ridicule, or that is designed to insult the person of or concerning whom it is published.***

And by the way, I'm not the owner, I'm a friend of her, I just feel bad for her to have people like you, if I had a restaurant I would ban you from it because I wouldn't want to welcome people like you. :) enjoy."

If you have any questions, comments, scam complaints or reviews about Annissa Schwartz you may post it in the comments section below.


At April 02, 2023 2:55 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A complaint has been received against Annissa Schwartz, a Senior Designer at Bitmoji Snap Inc., accusing her of posting a fake negative review for a restaurant. The complaint alleges that the review was intended to obtain free food in return, which is a criminal offense. The restaurant responded to her review, stating that they had offered a resolution but received no response, and edited her comment to indicate that it was a fake, false review. They warned readers about fake reviews and reminded them that defamation is a crime in Canada. They also stated that they were not the owners of the restaurant but a friend of the owner, and that they would ban someone like Schwartz from their own restaurant.


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