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Saturday, August 22, 2020

Amazon Seller Scam Reviews Complaints


A competitor on Amazon sent us a msg threatening us that they would kill our amazon account, they started placing several fraudulent orders which we canceled, then they left us a negative feedback, now we see a msg on our Amazon acct that says it's at risk of being de-activated! I guess Amazon makes it so easy for competitors to kick others out of Amazon! Amazon needs to prevent this from happening ASAP.

#amazon #news #breakingnews #amazonseller #amazonsellers


At April 02, 2023 2:23 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amazon should be more cautious and proactive in preventing competitors from sabotaging other sellers on their platform. It's disheartening to hear about instances like this where a seller is threatened and targeted with fraudulent orders and negative feedback, potentially leading to the deactivation of their account. Amazon should take swift action to investigate such incidents and hold those responsible accountable. The platform should prioritize the safety and well-being of all its sellers to maintain a fair and transparent marketplace.


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