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Sunday, July 11, 2021

Rosy Vartabidian, Seta Semerjian and Hermin Semerjian Review

Check out these scammer criminals! And avoid dealing with them at all times!

Rosy Vartabidian Review
Seta Semerjian Review
Hermin Semerjian Review

A customer orders Alcohol for a Minor at a restaurant, Alcohol taken away from them, then several people from the group leave a 1 star fake bad review.

The customers are NOT always right.

We hope that if Rosy Vartabidian, Seta Semerjian and Hermin Semerjian ever applies for a job anytime during their life, or deals with anyone, they would be well known for their true criminal character after someone finds this review story about them upon Googling their name!

The restaurant later replied to their review on Google stating the following:

"Rosy Vartabidian, Seta Semerjian and Hermin Semerjian was sitting together with others at a table.

They ordered alcohol, the waiter brought the alcohol and asked who it's for? An underage girl said "it's for me", the waiter then asked her for her ID, an adult male replied "no it's for me", then the drink was handed to him.

The waiter then noticed the adult male taking the alcohol and passing it to the underage girl, the waiter immediately advised him such action is not allowed and took the alcohol away, they threatened to leave a bad review.

It is an offence to give alcohol to someone underage. This includes things like providing alcohol at a party or purchasing alcohol for a minor. A person who gives a minor alcohol can be fined up to $10,000 and sentenced to jail for up to two months.

300. Every one who publishes a defamatory libel that he knows is false is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years.
R.S., c. C-34, s. 264.

It is unfortunate that there are some customers like these who abuses their children then threatens businesses with bad reviews by abusing the internet when they don't get what they want.

This review is also considered defamatory, and will be dealt with using the proper legal criminal and civil channels."

If you have any questions, comments, complaints, review, or scam reviews about Rosy Vartabidian, Seta Semerjian and Hermin Semerjian or if you had ever dealt with ANY of these criminals, we ask that you please post your story about them in the comments section below.


At March 31, 2023 3:54 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The review is about Rosy Vartabidian, Seta Semerjian, and Hermin Semerjian, who left a 1-star fake bad review after their attempt to order alcohol for a minor was thwarted by a waiter at a restaurant. The restaurant later replied to their review, stating that it is illegal to give alcohol to a minor and that the customers' behavior was unacceptable. The review accuses them of being scammer criminals and suggests that people avoid dealing with them. The restaurant warns that the review is defamatory and will be dealt with using legal channels.


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