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Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Can you use any disinfectant cleaning solution with the Roborock S7 maxV Ultra Robot vacuum and mop cleaner?

I have a Roborock S7 maxV Ultra Robot vacuum and mop cleaner, Roborock said to ONLY fill the water tank with water, and if you wanted to use a cleaner then you should be using the one they sell "obviously because they want to make profit" but are there any other reasons?

I know their cleaner is not expensive, however I don't like it because it cleans but does NOT disinfect, there is a huge difference between clean and disinfect and many people think it's the same, so don't get fooled :)

When using only water in the Roborock water tank or water mixed with the Roborock cleaning solution, this may clean but not disinfect and will cause cross-contamination which is stupid, this is the thing I hate the most so far with Roborock where they don't suggest the use of other cleaning solutions / chemicals other than their own.

We would love to hear from people who've used different cleaning liquids in their Roborock S7 maxV Ultra Robot vacuum and mop cleaner, please post in the comments section below and state the name of the cleaning product you used with this vacuum and how long you've been using it for, and if you've encountered any issues or not.



At March 30, 2023 1:58 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is not recommended to use any disinfectant cleaning solution other than the one recommended by Roborock for the S7 maxV Ultra Robot vacuum and mop cleaner. Roborock states that using any other cleaning solution may damage the device or cause it to malfunction. Additionally, using water alone or with the recommended cleaning solution may clean but not disinfect, which could lead to cross-contamination. While other cleaning solutions may be tempting, it is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions to ensure the longevity and effectiveness of the device. If you have any experience using a different cleaning solution with the Roborock S7 maxV, you can share your feedback in the comments section.


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