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Thursday, March 09, 2023

LiquidWeb Reviews and Complaints

Below is a chat conversation someone had earlier with LiquidWeb, just so you're aware of their high monthly pricing and the refund risks involved!

Also, we believe that most 5 star positive reviews posted on TrustPilot and other sites are fake positive reviews posted by the employees of LiquidWeb.

Conclusion: We recommend that you stay away from LiquidWeb.

Spencer (2023-03-09, 1:49:07 PM): May I ask which of our VPS plans were you considering?
Roger (2023-03-09, 1:52:40 PM): The VPS that has 8GB Ram, but I just noticed the price of $45 monthly is only if I pay for the whole year! I dont want to pay for the whole year.. and if I pay monthly it will be $139 monthly which is very expensive !
Spencer (2023-03-09, 1:54:16 PM): That is correct we would have monthly, yearly, and bi-yearly options. As all of the solutions would be fully managed we would be taking care of the main stack as well as any core updates or patches. The solution would have a 99.9999% server uptime and you would have support available via phone, tickets, and chats 24/7 to lend you a hand if needed.
Spencer (2023-03-09, 1:55:02 PM): Every VPS includes a Dedicated IP Address, Cloudflare CDN, Server Secure Advanced Security, Integrated Firewall, Local Backups, and DDos Attack Protection.
Roger (2023-03-09, 1:55:55 PM): Hi, you mentioned it includes CloudFlare, but I can signup for a free CloudFlare account myself, whats the difference I dont understand?
Spencer (2023-03-09, 1:58:50 PM): Cloudflare would come pre-enabled with the solution allowing you to focus your efforts on the project as we would be taking care of the hosting part of things. Also, we provide migration services completely free of charge for all of our new clients meaning you would only have to acquire a fitting hosting plan, and once it gets provisioned request a migration via the client portal. Once requested a migration specialists team member would reach out to provide you with a step to step of the process as well as acquire the needed access to perform the migration itself.
Spencer (2023-03-09, 1:59:47 PM): And also with our 12 & 24-month billed upfront introductory offers, you would get 100GB of Acronis Off-Server Cyber Backups included completely free of charge!
Roger (2023-03-09, 2:01:48 PM): Ok thanks for the info, can you give me the details exactly what's the difference between the free CloudFlare account that I can signup with and the CloudFlare option you provide?
Roger (2023-03-09, 2:02:02 PM): Is it the same or whats the difference?
Roger (2023-03-09, 2:02:40 PM): And is Cpanel included with that VPS or I have to pay extra for it?
Spencer (2023-03-09, 2:04:31 PM): It would be the same in both instances, we do include it pre-enabled within our VPS plans but it wouldn't have any charges related to it.
cPanel/WHM would indeed be included with our 12 & 24-month introductory offers whereas it would have a slight upcharge on our monthly payment plans as per the license price.
Roger (2023-03-09, 2:05:35 PM): ok and If I pay the 24 months term, and later decide to cancel, would you provide a refund of the months remaining?
Spencer (2023-03-09, 2:07:42 PM): All of our VPS plans would come with a 30-day money-back guarantee meaning you would have 30 days to check the service out and see if you would need anything exchanged and be eligible for a refund during that period.
Spencer (2023-03-09, 2:09:52 PM): But as our VPS solutions are highly scalable you would always have the option to upgrade or downgrade your plan as per your project's requirements and once your project outgrows our VPS solutions we would always be able to create a custom dedicated solution just for your project so it would be able to grow and prosper in time.
Spencer (2023-03-09, 2:10:52 PM): If you'd like I can provide you with a cart link to the aforementioned 8GB RAM VPS and stay in chat for the duration of the checkout process to ensure everything goes smoothly.
Roger (2023-03-09, 2:13:16 PM): This doesn't answer the question I asked which makes me feel you are trying to avoid my question :)
Spencer (2023-03-09, 2:14:41 PM): I apologize if I wasn't clear, any refunds would be available and provided in full during the first 30 days of the money-back guarantee.
Roger (2023-03-09, 2:14:43 PM): I will ask again, If I pay the 24 months term, and for ANY Reason later if I decide to cancel, would you provide a refund of the months remaining?
Roger (2023-03-09, 2:15:17 PM): After the 30 days would you provide a refund of the months remaining?
Spencer (2023-03-09, 2:17:01 PM): A refund would only be possible during the first 30 days so sadly in case you would decide to cancel the account let's say in the 18th month with our 24-month plan you wouldn't be eligible for a refund for the remaining 6 months.
Roger (2023-03-09, 2:23:10 PM): So, lets say I signup for the 24 months plan, then after 12 months I decide I want to cancel and get a refund, you are saying you wont be able to provide a refund, but then what happens to my money? I paid for a service and I should be able to get the money for the service which I am not using!
Roger (2023-03-09, 2:26:29 PM): The law clearly stipulates that it is illegal to accept payment for services that have not been rendered.
Spencer (2023-03-09, 2:27:30 PM): I apologize for the inconvenience but enabling refunds with our bi-yearly introductory offers would make the monthly and yearly plans obsolete as people would just pick the 24-month plans and cancel their accounts 12 months in, In that case, they would be requesting a refund based on pricing for a 24-month period even though they would clearly be on a 12-month one which has its monthly equivalent price of $85/mo whereas the 24-month plans monthly equivalent would be just $45. The discounted price is based solely considering the term provided and the services would be available to use during the 24-month term.
Roger (2023-03-09, 2:27:30 PM): This principle is generally covered by contract law and consumer protection laws, such as the Federal Trade Commission Act (FTC Act) and various state consumer protection laws.
Roger (2023-03-09, 2:28:35 PM): I understand what you said however, still, The law clearly stipulates that it is illegal to accept payment for services that have not been rendered.
Spencer (2023-03-09, 2:31:17 PM): I do apologize but the services would indeed be rendered and put in operation for a contracted term of 24 months in which it would be fully managed and hosted by our end, but if a project is expected to have a shorter life cycle I would most definitely recommend looking at our yearly or monthly plans instead as the 24-month plan is meant to be used for a 24-month term.
Roger (2023-03-09, 2:33:07 PM): ok, what happens if lets say LiquidWeb says the customer had violated the terms of LiquidWeb and LiquidWeb decides to terminate the account earlier than the 24 months, would a refund be given then or? "Even if the customer did nothing wrong but liquidweb still disagrees"
Spencer (2023-03-09, 2:43:44 PM): For services to be terminated there would need to be a clear violation of our T&C be it by fraudulent activity, malicious intent, or otherwise illegal wrongdoing.
As the customer would be in breach of contract if they would indeed violate the T&C that would thereby make them not eligible for a refund.
But as mentioned with the 12 & 24-month introductory offers any refunds would only be available during the initial 30-day money-back guarantee period.
Roger (2023-03-09, 2:45:25 PM): That explains it, thanks for your time.


At March 28, 2023 3:31 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LiquidWeb scammed me too

At March 29, 2023 9:45 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LiquidWeb's high monthly pricing and lack of refund options are major drawbacks for potential customers. The chat conversation with their representative confirmed that the yearly plans are discounted, but the monthly plans are unreasonably expensive. Moreover, their policy of only providing refunds within the first 30 days of service is unsatisfactory. LiquidWeb seems to be prioritizing profits over customer satisfaction.


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