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Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Envirosource Paper

I want to post a complaint about Envirosource Paper. They called my office telling me about a great offer of paper. $37.80 per box of paper. This is not a bad deal for a box of 5000 sheets. However, as was later discovered, they charge per 1000 sheets. This $37.80 per 1000 sheets is only ever confirmed in a follow up call the next day, which is the only call which they "record for monitoring purposes". Not only that but they called just recently to inform me that the rest of my order was being sent out at which time they told me that all orders are a minimum of 12 boxes. Now, I never would have ordered 12 boxes of paper at any price for my small company so I told him there was no way I would be paying for more paper. I have contacted them and lodged a complaint but as far as they are concerned because they have a recorded call with me confirming our shipping address and a final comment on the end of the call confirming the price per 1000 sheets, they are not going to do anyth

ing about it.

I just think people should be aware that these people are complete scam artists, charging an appalling amount for paper by inferring the price is for a standard box of paper and not per sheet, as I was charged. People should avoid dealing with the company. They are misleading and use high pressure sales and threatening sales tactics.



At February 27, 2008 4:11 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to echo this comment about Envirosource.

I had nearly the exact same thing happen to me. The salesman said that half of my shipment didn't arrive. I told him that we didn't need any more paper as we had already so much. The invoice from the previous 6 boxes did not show that it was only half an order, so I didn't believe him.

Hey tried to distract me by offering a $50 gift certificate that I had "won" from their system.

Near the end of the conversation the annoying guy on the phone tried to get me to send an e-mail to in which the body was to say:

"Please send me 24 boxes of premium paper, as before. 12 boxes now and the balance in March. Price freeze on the next 40 boxes."

Supposedly this was to prevent us from being double-billed on the shipment.

The man asked me 5 times if I had sent it.

I didn't send the e-mail, and the same guy tried to call me back and harassed our receptionist.

I tried to call the company to complain, but ... I couldn't get a hold of anyone.

Did you also notice that their number is blocked when they call you?

At March 12, 2008 1:25 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had the same experience except that I actually did send the email. I then received a phone call saying that the remaining 60 boxes were now being sent and I was to send a fax to him stating that 20 boxes be sent now, 20 in April and 20 in May. I did not send this fax because I was suspicious of this man. I was also told that since we did not receive a basket of goods at Christmas that I would be receive a gift card of $100.00 which then turned into $150.00. He could not send out these cards however, until he received the fax. This made me even more suspicious. After coming across your stories, I waited for him to call me back. When he did, I confronted him about being lied to and scammed. He then became irate, threaten to sue both me personally and the business in which I work for. This man also claimed to be a lawyer and the president of this company. The reason I am not stating a lot of the earlier details is because they are exactly the same as the two other stories.

At May 27, 2008 4:22 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Around the beginning of May, an EnviroSource Sales Representative contacted my office regarding a price freeze on some paper. This representative was speaking extremely quiet and fast making it very difficult to understand what she was saying. She was discussing pricing on paper, and I told her we were not interested at this time, but I did agree to receive further information about the product.

A couple weeks later, a courier arrived at my office with a large shipment of paper from EnviroSource. The delivery driver asked if I wanted to accept this shipment prior to brining it into my office, as over the past two years he has seen EnviroSource try sending unordered paper to several companies who have never actually place orders with them. I wrote ‘Return to Shipper’ on the driver’s documents and did not accept the shipment.

A week later, our office received an invoice from EnviroSource for $876.11. Luckily the Accounting Department inquired as to what the invoice was for. I informed our accountant of the entire situation, so that they do not pay any future invoices from this company.

Upon an internet search, several other complaints have been posted against EnviroSource. To add to this, within the last 8 months there have been three complaints filed with the Better Business Bureau (BBB) against EnviroSource. This is a very clear example of fraud and we will not stand for it.

At June 12, 2008 1:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Same thing happen to my Small company too! Something Needs to be done about this. I think i'm going to call their toll free # in my spare time over and over again and just hang up. If anyone know how we can stop this from happening to others please post it on here!

At June 12, 2008 2:50 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I posted a comment earlier, not sure if they will post it. I am working with the Better Buisness Bureau, but they can not do much because they are not registerd with them...
This is crazy and they need to get shut down! I am actually going to Consumer Watch about it

At June 12, 2008 3:55 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At June 12, 2008 6:21 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As an employee of a very large office supply company that has been around for over 100 years, I am so appalled to hear about this, and to know how it is affecting my customers.

I know if it were me on the receiving end of those calls, it'd be pretty simple - "Not interested, thanks" and hang up. If they call back more than three times, they are harrassing you and disrupting the flow of business, for which you could charge EnviroSource criminally.

I hope no one else falls victim to this.

At June 16, 2008 6:01 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They called our office last year and offer to us 6 boxes of paper along with a free gift card, we refused, and then they said they would send out a sample product for us to try, we said no, but shortly later, 6 boxes of paper showed up with a gift card and an invoice. we called them back and told them we never asked for this paper and to take it back. they refused to at first. we called them over and over until we were able to get a return address and we also got them to pay for the return shipping. biggest scam out there.

At September 29, 2008 9:15 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This place really is a scam. Our office gets so many calls from places like this. Misleading and sneaky.

At October 08, 2008 3:17 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to report unethical business behavior by a company called Paper Max/EnviroSource. Please read below for a description of the circumstances that generated this complaint.

The first time I was contacted by this company was in 2006 under the name of The Paper Depot. My employer, Computer Modelling Group Ltd. (CMG) had a horrible experience with them and the two companies mutually agreed that if we paid the invoice, they would not contact us again. I believe that approximately halfway through our correspondence on the issue they changed their company name because the invoice we received we received was from Paper Max. CMG paid this invoice in full.

Several months later, we were contacted by Paper Max again. We had a new receptionist on the phones so she did now know that Paper Max was not supposed to be contacting us. She no longer works here so I am not sure what exactly happened in between her and the person from Paper Max, but they sent us some paper that we did not want, breaking the agreement that was previously set in place that they would not ever contact CMG again. I contacted Paper Max and requested that they pick up the paper, since we did not order it and did not want it. They told me that I would be charged a 20% restocking fee and I informed them that we would not pay this fee since it was their error for sending us paper in the first place!

I spoke to Jenny, a representative at Paper Max, and she agreed to arrange for pick up of the paper, the cancellation of our invoice, and confirmed that CMG would not be billed for the cost to return the paper. Unfortunately, Paper Max did not follow through with what they said they would do. On October 10th, 2007, I received a letter from Paper Max demanding that we pay them immediately for the paper that we were mistakenly sent. They did send someone to pick up the paper, so we no longer had it, however when I called them they said that they had no record of receiving the paper. They asked for the weigh bill as proof for return shipment but since we did not ship it, we did not have this kind of documentation. The shipping company that they used would have this information.

I called Jenny again and she did not offer to cancel the invoice, she only said that she would check with the shipping company to see if the paper had been returned. A proper response would have been to cancel the invoice immediately since the supporting documentation had already been sent to her that shows they had agreed not to contact us again. We should never have received any paper in the first place!

After I filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau on October 11, 2007, I received a call from Richard Burns at Paper Max and after much talking from him he finally agreed to cancel everything if I would let the Better Business Bureau know that the issue had been resolved. I decided rather reluctantly that I would do so since I still felt that Paper Max was a scam but our invoice would be cancelled and frankly I was extremely frustrated with listening to Richard Burns talk so I agreed.

This is the worst company that I have ever dealt with. They send you paper that gets received because whoever signs for the shipment is not sure what it is, then they bill you for the paper you didn’t want and didn’t order, and then when you try to get them to pick it up and cancel the invoice they say the only way they can take the paper back is to bill you a percentage of the cost of the paper!

The full name, address and telephone/fax numbers for this company are:

Paper Max/Paper Depot/Envirosource Paper
543 Richmond Street West
P.O. Box 108
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M5V 1Y6

At November 12, 2008 5:51 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be aware that EnviroSource's latest product offering is packing tape. They charge $44.50 for a pack of 6 - you can buy comparable product at any office supply store for less than $10 for a pack of 6. Also note they will ship 4 times the product ordered - conveniently replacing box or carton of 24 for pack of 6.

They often will initiate the conversation by claiming to be your existing supplier, when you get the product, you will find they charge approximately 5 times more than what you can buy it for retail at any office products supplier.

If they succeed in getting the product delivered, expect nothing but the run around when you try and return it. They will claim to have recorded conversations and/or orders confirmed by your staff, one of their telemarketers is suddenly a lawyer, then president and CEO - obviously a multi-tasking individual.

Since they like to try and work their deals through the first person who answers the phone, ensure that all of your staff, especially any temps, are aware of this scam.

At December 19, 2008 9:58 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

EnviroSource. These guys are the low of the low. They prey on innocent people and take advantage of them by trickery and misrepresentation. Fraud should be more readily prosecuted in Ontario. These guys need to be shut down.

At February 03, 2009 12:49 pm, Blogger annon said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At February 03, 2009 12:51 pm, Blogger annon said...

OMG this happened to me and the man i dealt with was horrible on the phone THEY ARE TOTAL SCAM ARTISTS!!!!!! Did they tell you that you get some stupid gift card to winners?? I hope these people get what is coming to them they are the scum of the earth! I never remeber saying anything and before i knew it there were 10 boxes of paper at my office. I hate these people hate them hate them hate them!! I have never been talked to so badly on the phone when i called them. I hope they read this page the jerks!!!!! I almost lost my job so they could make like 1500.00 EFFING LOSERS!!!!!!

At March 11, 2009 2:02 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This company contacted our receptionist to confirm our address only. We have since received 6 boxes of paper and an invoice for $987.57. The invoice states that this is part of a 40 box, multi-shipment order. The one call from us that they answered told us that we would be charged a restocking fee and would have to return the products at our cost. I have filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau for the company named on the invoice, EcoLogix, but the boxes of paper were shipped from Envirosource.

At March 11, 2009 2:15 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any chance they go under another name as well such as EcoLogix?

At March 12, 2009 12:27 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This company goes under the name of EcoLogix as this is what happened in our company. The person who called our office was named Richard Barnes and he has a British accent and is extremely annoying! He claims to be the President and CEO. He contacted 3 different receptionists in our company and asked them to send him an email stating "Please ship premium letter paper as before at the old price 15 boxes now, 15 boxes mid March, 10 boxes mid April. Bill separately after shipping. Please freeze price on next 40 boxes." Please be warned this cost our company over $7,000.

At March 12, 2009 1:38 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, the two main names I've encountered are EcoLogix and Envirosource. I've since been contacted by the "CEO" of EcoLogix, Richard Barnes. The main contact for Envirosource is Steve Howe and this appears to be the man who answers if you choose "customer service" option 4 when you call their toll free number. Other names mentioned were: Brian Coyne ("Sales Rep" - who appears to make the initial calls.) and Nancy ("Accounts" - who apparently calls back to confirm your shipping information). If they really do record your calls, this is likely the one they will record. Everything else went textbook according to the other comments I've read here. They tell you that they have a recorded call confirming our order, although they've not complied with my request to hear it.
They've since sent a courier to pick up their paper and return it collect, but they've also left me a voice message threatening to contact the President and CEO of our company to complain about OUR shoddy business practices as well as legal action.

At March 19, 2009 1:41 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, dear God! I've just dealt (or begun to deal)with this whole scam! Same thing: EcoLogix made the initial 2 calls, Envirosource shipped the paper (on a day I wasn't here), and short a box according to the packing slip. I got the invoice today for an astronomical cost so called the company and was directed immediately to the voicemail when I chose the customer service option. I left a very firm, very unsatisfied msg and said that I was neither told how large the order was, nor of the fee. I was just told that I was going to be sent an order of paper to lock me in at the old price. I was not given a choice or an opportunity to reject the order. I demanded that they send someone to pick up the paper with an invoice correcting what was owed.

Not long after I left the message, I was contacted by John Malcolm, the "customer service manager" who tripped all over himself apologizing for the experience. He asked me for more info on the calls I received and assured me that the sales rep would be dealt with appropriately. He told me that they would send someone to pick up the paper in the next couple of days. He faxed the new invoice to me with an apology, saying that the original invoice is cancelled.

So, we will have to see what happens next month. Will I still receive the next shipment, along with another invoice? Will they threaten to call the CEO of my company? Will they charge me for the box of paper that we didn't receive, although their packing slip and invoice say that we did?

I'm afraid that this nightmare has only begun for me!

At June 11, 2009 6:02 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beware... these guys are now operating as GREEN GUARD and Richard is still pulling the "I'm going to tell the President of your company you lack business etiquette" routine.

At July 20, 2009 2:40 pm, Anonymous Brad said...

EnviroSource changed their name to Eco-Logix early in 2009 and are now going by the name of Green Shield Industries. We have had similar experiences with this company.

At August 25, 2009 5:23 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Same Scam with Green Sheild Industries. They also promised a Tim Hortins Gift Certificate but did not receive one with the 6 boxes of paper. We will be sending it back promptly. Don't ever give your name out to these guys. It gives the false impression that that person actually ordered the paper.

At October 26, 2009 6:33 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

For the Green Shield Industries where did you send it back to? Will youjust send it back with a letter saying you will not pay?

At November 03, 2009 11:59 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too recieved a call from alady claiming she was with Green Shield Industries and that they had recently gotten alot of complaints of how expensive there paper was and as a way to show appreciation they were currently selling there paper for below 50% of the origial price and that our company had a choice of choosing a $25 dollar tim hortons or walmart card. During our conversation I didn't agree to buy any paper but I did confirm our address. After the weekend I recieved another call from Green Shield, this time from a man who apparently worked in the shipping department, and he too wanted to confirm the billing address and and asked if he would need a PO number from me for the shipment. The whole time I thought that they were sending a gift card to our company as a incentive for us to start buying from them, not realizing that I was actually ordering paper!. Just today I got another call from Green Shield and this time it was the same lady as before and she was going on with the same routine as the first call. I told her that we order our office supplies from Office Depot and she bid me a good day and quickly hung up. After the third call I got suspicious and tried finding this companies contact information so I could call them and cancel any possible orders. To my suprise I couldn't find anything in the yellowpages, so I googled them and I was led to this website. I haven't recieved any paper yet, but I have let my reciever know that if any shipment comes in that has my name on the packing slip, that she shouldn't sign for it and return it to shipper.

At January 13, 2010 8:27 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We too were hit with this in the first week of January 2010. At the time of the cold call we were checking for prices for paper and my assistant thought this was perhaps one of the companies I had contacted (not)and that they were going to send a few sample sheets. Not so. When the boxes arrived from Green Shield Industries my assistant called them and advised we were sending them back, that we hadn't ordered paper. The person on the phone said that he had been sitting next to the person who placed the call and "took the order". We reiterated that we were not doing business with them and sending back the boxes. Our receptionist attempted to get a collect courier account number from them and a David Stewart who claimed to be the CEO told her she was being "fraudulent" and to "cease and desist" and that he would be calling our President. Of course, we know that won't happen.
We are returning the boxes to the address they came from - hopefully it is their little office and they get crammed with the stuff. If an invoice comes in, it will definitely not be paid and returned to them in shreds. We are once again putting our office phone number on the "do not call" list to see if that stops the calls. This worked for about a year and we have to renew it again.

At January 22, 2010 1:44 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had two calls from Greenshields Industries this week! Everytime they call we are extremely rude and direct about how we know they are a scam but we cannot seem to get off their calling list.

At January 22, 2010 5:56 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets help to get one crook off everybody’s back

It seems you guys have phone number and address from them. Can you please post them here anonymously?
I want to grab such information and pass it to police to expedite the process as I have a case open there.

I have been receiving calls from them over a year and as their price was more than 10 times of what I pay. I knew what kind of scam they are running and never placed order.

I did not mind their calls till they harassed me over the phone. Now I opened a case with police and it is in process that is why I need your help to pass the name, phone number, fax number and address, especially invoice remit to address which for sure they are collecting their scam money.

Now they are operating as Green Shield Industries.

At February 01, 2010 1:46 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Their new address:

388 Carlaw Ave Unit 124 box 28
m4m 2t4

Greenfield Industries or Green Shiled Industries

Don't say anything on the phone (they record it) or in e-mail or fax, they will use it against you

At February 02, 2010 3:15 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes you are all oorrect envirosoure,papermax,ecologix and greenshield are a total scam-I worked there. they are loc ated at 543 RICHMOND 2ND FLOOR. YOU SHOULD COMPLAIN TO THE BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU.t=They have people working there.that have been convicted of fraud and gone to jail for it.One of the owners is Rahul Raina.

At February 03, 2010 3:09 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

TO ADD TO MY COMMENT,I SAID need to complain to phone busters-police since greenshield etc.are not registered with the better business bureau.Keep in mind they lie to their employees as well and do not tell them how much the paper costs.It takes people a few months to figure it out.NAMES YOU MIGHT WANT- NANCY CORDEIRO,VERIFIER,JAIME VETESSE,MANAGER.STEPHEN LAWSON,MANAGER,HAROLD MOORE,COLLECTIONS,THERE IS NO MR. RICHARD BARNES-HE IS PETER ? THEY ALL USE FAKE NAMES.GOOD LUCK

At February 04, 2010 2:01 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At February 05, 2010 7:43 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the last bit of information. I have been following this site since my post. and now have the information I need to proceed further.

At March 24, 2010 7:15 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had similar experience to these with evirosourse. Looked up their GST number and it did not exist. They could not explain to me why the number did not match the government register for GST. I ended up offering to throw out the paper or pay them what we normally pay for paper at our local supplier which was 1/5 the cost. Also note they are in Toronto and we are in Vancouver and they shipped it all the way here. The paper probably came from B.C. originally anyway. They never called back.

At April 27, 2010 5:01 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

New info for those in need of it-it seems they are on the run now.They,Envirosource 2047758 ont.Inco/a Envirosource have a job posting at service Canada for new scam recruits. The address is 543 Richmond st.suite 222 no:416-642-9268 alias to talk to is Alison Miller.

At June 02, 2010 10:17 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Green Shield Industries is no more. We just received an invoice from Digital Network Systems for more of the expensive paper.

The original invoice had a price of $54.50 per 1000 sheets, I called to complain and now it is $21.80 per 1000. We paid the invoice as a lady from our company had ordered the paper. We will no longer be getting any more shipments.

The address for Green Shield was 388 Carlaw Ave, Unit 124, Box 28, Toronto, On. M4M 2T4.

The address for Digital Network Systems (which apparently there was a "reorganization" at the top of the company) is 388 Carlaw Ave, Unit W7, Box 29, M4M 2T4.

Watch out for them and their expensive paper. A box of 100% recycled from Staples = $64.96 for 5000 sheets. The same amount of paper with DNS = $272.50 + outrageous shipping and handling.


At July 28, 2010 1:50 pm, Anonymous Craig Miller said...

I have had nothing but good experiences with these guys. We have been getting our paper through them for a long time. These anonymous comments seem to be coming from competitors and/or some disgruntled employees to me.

At July 30, 2010 11:22 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We had the same problem with these guys, we manage to return the shipping without any incident, We had a conversation recorded with a guy name Bill Turner, be careful

At August 16, 2010 9:40 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have purchased paper from PaperMax before, they sent us a really great product. The prices were a bit high but I didn't mind paying extra for the quality and on-time delivery. I think people need to understand that they are a smaller company and cannot be compared to the Walmarts and Staples. Being a small business owner myself I fully support this business.

At September 02, 2010 4:26 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been buying paper from them for years. Its much better quality than the what you get in the market. Our photocopier used to constantly have paper jams before, but since we started buying better quality paper we have never had this problem.

At November 15, 2010 2:56 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a scam and the anonymous comments stating that they are a great company and provide better quality paper is obviously some of the scammers themselves.
Three times the price, the sales tactics, their poor handling of complaints?
They have never gotten any money out of us, but what about the time they waste for our disputing this scam? I have started recording all our phone calls with them. My last words were "come get your paper or I will be following up with the police".
They sent a courier, and the courier guy even knew about the scam they were running, he shared anecdotes about the number of shipments they send out and all the ones he would repeatedly have to return to them.

At December 01, 2010 4:37 pm, Anonymous Jules said...

We get our paper from them at competitive prices and have never had customer service issues. I think that people on this blog site should address their issues with the business directly instead of ranting on the Internet. Every business has its share of happy and unhappy customers. As long as the former is more than the latter they must be doing something right! Keep up the good work

At December 16, 2010 12:49 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Jules! we never had issues with this business and continue to order from them. This is the problem small businesses face when they are competing with the big box stores.

At April 01, 2011 4:29 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds to me like anon and jules works for this company. the owner is rahul raina and the british guy is peter harper. they also do business to business scam in the states as well as toner and tape and all kinds of fraud in canada 543 richmond street ste 222. rahul allison harry james and peter harper who uses all kinds of alias...i wonder if he is legal to work in canada.

At April 20, 2011 1:37 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

this blog is purely a creation by disgruntled employees

At March 31, 2012 3:48 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a joke. This blog is undoubtedly created by people who, like me, have had a TERRIBLE experience with this company. The fact that the company has had so many name changes implies a scam of sorts. I am sure the name is continually changed so the bad reputation is more or less erased every few years. I had to deal with a man who had a British accent, I believe it may have been Peter Harper, and he was the most unreasonable and rude man I have ever dealt with. I wish someone would sue this company for forming unconscionable contracts. This company clearly takes advantage of the weakness of the parties they sell to which is illegal in Canada.

At June 05, 2012 11:52 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I can tell u this much, my company has filed complaints against them with all the right agencies in canada, so its a matter of time before they are caught. If u were or are being contacted by Paper max, paper depot, envirosource, eceologix, greenshield, digital networks, office the authoritiies> they are one and the same company. all head by rahul raina peter harper and jeff thompson. Peter is not legal to work in canada>

At June 06, 2012 1:03 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They do take advantage of unsuspecting people. The owner of all those company is Rahul Raina. The mastermind behind the scams is Peter Harper(who is british and isnt even suppose to be working in Canada). They also have an office in Lindsay, ON. They sell paper and toner to companies but buys from Staples for their office. Peter poses as a lawyer and threatens people, usually by saying he will go to their presidents. Brian Coyne sells toner. As our investigation continues we uncover that they also do a fraudulant online guide called NORTH AMERICAN BUSINESS INDEX...they have several BBB and attorney general complaints and investigators are looking into them as we speak. As our investigation continues, we have a tip of a certain group buying site link to Rahul Raina. which we will confirm later date> by now u may have guessed they moved from Richmond Street to close by 425 Adelaide Street West Suite 202> Peter Harper is a crook and a scam artist. He will be investigated. He travels back and Forth so, soon. Their location for the paper and toner is in Lindsay ON, handled by a Jeffrey Thomas> Jeff Thomas??? Senior management includes Stephen Langford (Floor Manager), Allison Miller (collections/Reception) Harry Moore (payroll) Raquel Rene (Verifier/Data entry)
their phone number is 416 987 5780/416 849 2898. Their days are numbered. There a bbb compaints/AG complaints/Labor board complaints against them> Report them, I urge u>

At June 12, 2012 9:18 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the biggest scam company. They go by Papermax, Greenshield, Office Impressions, Paper Ink, Universal Mfg, Digital Network systems, Ecologix, Envirosource. All the same scam. New Address as of June 1, 2012 is 425 Adelaide Street West Suite 202 and 1 Russell Street Upper Level, Lindsay ON. Owner: Rahul Raina, Jeff Thompson and Peter Harper. Peter is the british guy who intimidate people. Not legal to work in Canada.

At June 12, 2012 9:22 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The owner is Rahul Raina, who also runs a b2b scam based in Toronto, but pretends to be in Atlanta GA, USA. Apparently they have a group buying site as well. Scam!!!!Scam!!!!. This "Peter Harper" is not even physically in Canada half the time he calling companies. He should be on Canada most wanted list. I heard ppl with criminal records work for this Rahul Raina

At June 12, 2012 9:28 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At June 12, 2012 9:35 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This company Digital Networks System scammed my company for thousands of dollars. I had to deal with Peter Harper, british. He was arrogant, rude, condescending and a liar. We are having them investigated. I had to deal with a Bill Turner, who happens to be a Harold Moore. There was a girl name Allison Miller. They all use Alias. I dealt with a Raquel once, who took a message, said she'll have someone call me back. They are all con artist. Stay away from them. Peter Harper we found out is not legal to work in Canada. So why is he scamming Canadian Businesses????? If u ppl are reading this, u are under investigation.

At August 28, 2012 2:21 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

they have moved to 425 Adelaide street west ste 222. boss is rahul raina, peter harper is british goes by richard barnes jack nathan and other alias. they run,, north amarican business index and now the paper company along with toner goes by universal data services. Peter Harper has no authority to work in canada> they paper is sent from lindsay on by jeff thompson> they also have harold moore and allison miller who is also michelle whyte> they hire convicted criminals....peter the british guy

At August 28, 2012 2:33 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1 russel st linsay on. jeff thompson. universal data svcs also 425 adelaide street west. rahul raina. peter harper is british and is illegal to work in canada....feel free to contact immigration or the competion bureau...has a file on them. check out sca at and webpiggy .com 416 987 5780

At May 12, 2014 6:30 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They operate out of the leslieville hidden away near shopper's drug mart.industrial offices at queen & pape are.still up & running I think...always on the run thogh.Hope you guys get them really creepy nasty people.criminals

At May 12, 2014 6:33 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

crook go back where you came from.get a real job.

At December 18, 2014 2:29 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look out.. they are back as National Stationary with invoice showing 163 sterling rd. Toronto, Ont. as address. Same old scam of sending 6 boxes of paper and then trying to collect and threatening to harm your credit if you don't pay. Rahul Raina's name has come up many times above, and was discovered in this scam as well. Please report to Competition Bureau & Canadian Anti-fraud, they have files going..

At January 28, 2015 2:42 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yep, so surprised to find this still running the same deal except now I heard through the grapevine offering a $100 gift card!wooohoo! you got it , criminals...someone should really nail them or scam them back...very sleezy bunch.

At June 20, 2022 11:12 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Envirosource Paper WOW! I learned new things about this.

At April 04, 2023 5:54 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Envirosource Paper uses deceptive sales tactics by quoting prices per box of paper and only revealing the actual price per 1000 sheets after a follow-up call, which they conveniently record for monitoring purposes. A customer complains that they were misled by this tactic and ended up paying an exorbitant amount for paper. Furthermore, the company claims that all orders are a minimum of 12 boxes, which was never disclosed during the initial sales call. Despite lodging a complaint, the company refuses to take any action as they have a recorded call confirming the price per 1000 sheets. The customer advises others to avoid dealing with this company, citing their misleading and high-pressure sales tactics.


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