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Thursday, August 05, 2010



Here is a review and complaint about Louis Vuitton that I thought of sharing public with you all.

I left my sandals for repair at the location listed above with the operations manager Ben Bisset.

Ben said it will take one week for LV to repair the sandals and once they're repaired they will be delivered to the location closer to my home which is located at:


I called the Yorkdale Louis Vuitton a week later to inquire on the status of my Louis Vuitton sandals and the at the Yorkdale mall louis vuitton store said they don't have my sandals there and they never received any information from the Toronto downtown louis vuitton store about my sandals.

I called the toronto louis vuitton location again and asked to speak to Ben and the representative at the store advised me that ben is unavailable and so she took my name and number and told me that Ben will call me back.

I waited 24hrs. and he did not call back, so I called Louis Vuitton 111 BLOOR ST again asking for Ben, again same story I was told he is unavailable and so they took my name and number and told me that Ben will call me back.

I waited another 24hrs. and Ben still hasn't returned my phone call yet!! NOT even one person from LV Louis Vuitton cared to return my call, so I left another message again for the third time.

Then I waited another 24hrs. and called again today for the fourth time and spoke to a representative at Louis Vuitton and asked her if she is physically located at 111 Bloor St. west ? and she said no, she is at a call centre handling the calls for that location!!! I explained to her that I called several times and left several messages and till now Ben has NOT yet returned my call, she said all she can do is take another message and pass it on, then I told her that if he doesn't call me back then I will post this story and post it on several blogs on the internet and she said that if I try to blackmail their company by doing this then they will not be able to help me!!! I was so surprised when she said that and said to her "This is blackmail ??? NO this is not, do you know how it feels to call back everyday and keep leaving messages and no one cares to call me back???", she then said that she will now terminate this phone call and then she did which was VERY rude, I thought Louis Vuitton is a reputable organization that will not treat customers this way, I thought they were the best and #1, but it turns out that their customer service is the crappiest thing out there ever, they should hire people with class and ethics not people that are rude and low class that have no manners whatsoever.

I am very frustrated now, not only that Louis Vuitton representative was very rude to me, I wasted lots of time trying to contact Ben Bisset and till now he hasn't yet returned my call, and I guess they lost my sandals and they don't want to call me back because they don't know what to say.




Anyone else dealt with Louis Vuitton and had a problem? please click the comments section below and post your reviews about Louis Vuitton.


At August 05, 2010 3:25 pm, Anonymous Steve said...

This is to confirm that an email with the URL of this story has been forwarded to .

Also sent this URL to the Louis Vuitton's headoffice on

At August 05, 2010 9:47 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not surprised at all if LV stores in Toronto have many terrible staff. LV has big name and nice products, unfortunately when it comes to customer service they are lagging way behind their products.

At August 11, 2010 5:29 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

louis vuitton customer service is the worst, who said lv was the best ??? it's not!!

At August 11, 2010 6:28 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LV at Holt Renfrew Yorkdale location is the worst of the worst. Even the employees don't like the manager (the man with French accent), and when employees don't like the manager, they don't care about serving their customers.

At August 13, 2010 2:09 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I work at Gucci and from what I just read, this doesn't sound good.. I can assure you that we at Gucci have better customer service than what you described!

At August 20, 2010 2:27 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a very similar horror story regarding my handbag repair. The first time I called to check the status of my bag, the customer service rep who answered the phone said she didn't know how to find out if my bag was ready to be picked up yet. She said she would have someone call me back. Similar to your story, no one did.
The next day, I called again and was told by the 2nd representative that my bag is expected to arrive in store on August 24.
On the third day, I received a phone call from someone who simply told me "you have been unreacheable. I called many times and your US number has no message or voice mail. Your bag has been sitting in our shop for quite some time now." I was shocked. I'm like, who are you? This guy did not introduce himself, did not say he was calling from Louis Vuitton, none of that. I insisted that I only provided one CANADIAN phone number, one Canadian address, WITH VOICEMAIL so there must have been a mistake. When I told him I am avail to pick up tomorrow, he said "but how can you come if you are in the US?" For the 10 millionth time, I'm not American! He then asked for my repair number, and I told him I don't have it on me at the moment, and why does he need to hear it from me when he has me on file and was able to call me about the bag?? So after trying to straighten out all the confusion (I told him about my first two phone calls, which he totally ignored), I was then repeatedly told that if I don't bring my receipt to the shop, I will not be able to pick up my bag. It sounded very threatening.
So, I'm going to pick up my repaired hand bag today. Wish me luck.
On top of all this, bear in mind that my handbag had to be repaired because it ripped with a huge hole, one inch in length, after I used it ONCE. It is a huge bag in which I put maybe 5 items in it. Fortunately, it is being repaired free of charge, but the hassle that I have gone through is driving me crazy.

At September 04, 2010 10:45 pm, Anonymous pinkblings said...

When I called online to place an order, the sales rep was rude and hung up on me when I asked to speak to her manager. What a joke! She just lost $1,000 for LV and possibly $20,000 for LV in someone's lifetime. Morons!

At September 27, 2010 9:31 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The worst customer service ever at the flagship store. I have shopped at the majority of shops in Yorkville and never experienced such a hassle.

The accused my husband, a physician, of having two stolen credit cards and secretly tried to hide the fact that they called the credit card company. They never once asked for picture ID nor explained what the hold up was for. It was my 30th birthday and they held us up for 45minutes, keeping all of my bday guests waiting at the restaurant and incurring us parking expenses.

The leather manager and operations manager, Ben, were extremely rude, disorganized and incapable of managing. Moreover, they lied to our face. They told us that our card got declined, however never even tried our card! I called AMEX and a manager at AMEX confirmed that my card was in good standing at that no purchases were declined. When we asked them for proof of the decline, the manager stated that she had proof and 'tried' to find it, but justified that she was a big stressed because she was handling two clients simulatenously.. Clearly she never even tried to put the card through and lied about it. The bloor street store seriously has management issues. After buying several LV bags, I will not be purchasing the brand anymore.

We felt patronized and disrespected - they should not be treating anyone this way. My husband is a physician, not a credit card fraud artist!

In sum, they discriminate based on age and race. These are grounds for a complaint in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. I will be pursuing this matter further for damages.


At September 29, 2010 11:18 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Honestly, I have had a very bad experience recently with credit card fraud and I am actually grateful as you should be as well for such companies that protect consumers from fraud. It seems like they were just being cautious which is a great benefit in the long run for all those people who have been victimized by fraud. I really don't think you should take offense as is seems like this was handled in a professional the way happy 30th!! Don't sweat it, life is too short:))

At October 02, 2010 8:52 am, Blogger Unknown said...

Wow! It's good thing I took the time out to read every single one of y'all comment and they're all horrible to hear, y'all spend big money and this brand aka L.V. and got mistreated by these dum bastard who working 9 buck an hour and acting like the own the company. I was so going to get a belt, wallet, shoe, glasses and a traveling bag totaling $6000 for my vacation, and I TOTALLY!! Change my mind customer service is the key that keeps ppl coming back and it's seems like they all need to go back to school for that!

At November 30, 2010 8:43 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, this guy is freaking crazy.. Firstly, who buys sandals at LV??? I thought they only sold purses for women...
Second, who takes sandals in for repair?? And third, who expects them back in a week??? I'm going to guess that this loser could have bought a new pair of normal sandals every week and just thrown them out for what he paid for his status sandals
Get a life man..

At November 30, 2010 8:59 pm, Anonymous Steve said...

First of all, to answer your question, LV sells more than purses, they sell purses, sandals, clothes and more, from what you said it seems like you are an uneducated person with no class who doesn't know LV well enough.

Second, yes these LV sandals are probably worth a few hundred dollars yes, and you wonder why would someone buy sandals from LV? Obviously the person makes good money and buying from LV is not a big deal for them, your $1000 is like $10 to them.

And were they expecting it repaired in a week?, well did you read the story above well? I guess not!
They were promised by Ben at Toronto louis vuitton that the sandals will be repaired in one week.

I suggest you put some glasses on, get educated more it looks like you're way too far behind, get a better job and stop living the poor life so you can buy whatever you want without looking at the price and having to care on how much its going to cost.

if a person buys a BMW are you gonna question them and ask them why they spent so much on the bmw ? Where they could have bought a honda civic instead? Or if a person buys from Holt Renfrew are you gonna suggest that they buy from the dollar store because its much cheaper? You get a life dude!! You are not living in reality.

Wake up and see what's really out there!!

At November 30, 2010 9:59 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reality check steve.. I've got an MBA from one of the top business schools in canada.... Wearing sandals that cost hundreds of dollars for a product that you arguably buy equivalent quality in the tens of dollars is outright stupid. I hope the logo makes you sleep better at night and makes you feel like a more important person..

At November 30, 2010 10:37 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also bought a pair of sandals last month from lv and was extremely disappointed. I purchased them from the lv store on bloor in toronto and walked out feeling great about my sweet floppies. Then I started to feel remorseful. I mean, I had spent my whole footwear allowance on these sandals and suddenly Jenny also had the same pair. Then the unthinkable happened. They broke. I had nothing to wear!  So I called in every day to see if they could help!  I mean my god, what are we coming to if you can't buy a pair of sandals at lv, wear them for the summer and then get them repaired in a week.   When will we realize that a pair of sandals from lv actually means something. And that we as a people and I as an individual am nothing if ben from lv Toronto can't return my calls in a timely manner.   Best of luck to you all in this battle against lv. 

At December 10, 2010 7:58 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate the manager at the LV YORKDALE location. I was once purchased an LV purse at Yorkdale and after showing it to my family and friends they then recommended me exchange it for a different one. a week after i purchased the purse and not even once I used it. The manager refused to exchange it for me because he accuse me for using it in the evidence of the inside was fading colour, WTF? how could an expensive purse that was never worn can fade colour within 1 week? I was upset and immediately show to a customer that stood next me for witnessing his stupid excuse. She said : I don't see anything wrong with this purse, you are not making any sense.
However, he continued to refused my request and ignored me completely. I Hate LV customer service!!!

At December 14, 2010 11:51 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

NEWS BULLETIN! LV BAGS are nothing more than canvas coated in plastic and trimmed with leather and a stroking of your ego. That leather trimmed plastic bag is going to cost you a pretty penny! LV used to be made in France where quality reigns. Now LV bags are made in Mexico and still cost more then they did when they were imports. Someone is laughing all the way to the bank and it is not those buying LV. Haha.

At December 20, 2010 9:56 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh shiat I was going to go down to pick up something for my wife. Now that I read these comment I will have to think twice. I think I saw that manager from the Yorkdale store before and yes he is such a tard. I witnessed him arguing with a customer onces about a repair and he was so rude and arrogant. What's up with these LV staff, they're just freakin workers there but they act like they own the store.

At February 06, 2011 6:35 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this almost all the same person? This all sounds like the same type of language with the same mistakes. suspicious!

At February 07, 2011 5:05 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow....currently I am contemplating between Prada and LV...but the guy you all speak of, is he a tall French man with a pony tail? If so he is rude....

At March 07, 2011 6:03 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's always like that in Louis Vuitton. When you purchasing something, they treat you like GOD, and when you ask for repair or return, they treat you like shit....
Another interesting thing is, if you go to the store wearing shabby clothes, they'll give you scornful look, and the security will follow you everywhere in store

At March 17, 2011 4:11 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

please stay away from mylouisvuitton
site is a scam yes they were very nice and answer your first phone call to convicence you to buy and once the payment received and delivery the lv bag were not what you expected,they will not provide you return address and their return policy were fault. this is my second time purchase online and never again.

At March 18, 2011 10:47 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i feel so sorry for u guys... its only a brand, don't sweat small stuff, soooo simple ! if ur unhappy, then don't promote the brand... well who told u to go in the store and have a bad experience anyways.. shopping is suppose to be fun and joyful... if your ego wants u to wear a something w someone elses logo, then u fall for it.. too bad.
wake up ! WAKE UP !!!! PEOPLE!!!

At April 06, 2011 9:46 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree with all the people saying here about the manager at the yorkdale. I don't know why he is still a manager at that store. It seems like there are many complains about him already.

At April 27, 2011 7:39 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had purchased an LV bag in LA On Dec 27, 2010. I left it in the box until March 15, 2011. This is when I took it out to go to Chicago. The next day I noticed the inner lining ripping away from the stitching. I was horrified. I wanted to settle this ASAP so I went to the LV store in Chicago thinking that they would just exchange it for another one. They stated that I would have to take it to my LV. Well the closest one to me is an hour and a half away, which is Yorkdale. I have received far better customer service with coach. I ruined a pair of Coach leather gloves myself by trying to clean them. Coach exchanged them for a new pair. Now thats customer service.

At May 06, 2011 6:51 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This "manager" at the LV store in Yorkdale, is the worst. He is so rude
and uneducated. He needs to go to school ASAP.

At May 26, 2011 9:04 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

forget it im not buying anymore LV..was thinking to i changed my mind totallly so discouring!!!

At June 15, 2011 4:41 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LV Vancouver rules! LV Toronto is horrible. I have a life time spending total at LV approaching $100k (you can see it in the bottom right corner of your personal info in the computer database) so I speak from experience when I tell you the Toronto location is full of ignorant idiots. Who do they think they are? YOU are selling ME the $800 dollar shoes so sniff my feet and smile! I'm kidding, just treat people with respect they deserve! The manager at LV Vancouver recently told me they're about to "clear house" at LV Toronto because of it's terrible rep. They recently sold my GF a spring rain coat far to large for her after promising the tailor would take it in. Ya right.... I had it shipped to Van and she's swimming in it! Of course they won't take it back now after being altered and LV Van felt so bad after hearing they freaked inundated us with apologies for nearly a half hour. Anyone want an LV summer rain coat size 6 for half price msg back!?
LV Vancouver just lost their super star sales rep Patrick. If you're listening LV Vancouver... this was a BIG mistake! The guy would be waving you in while you're still 100 feet away from the store ready to offer you a cup of hot coffee! Now thats service! By chance I'm flying to Toronto tomorrow (from Van) and I'm going to make of point of seeking out Ben and telling him about the buzz he's creating on the net and if he's a smart ass I'll advise him to look my name up on the database and make a ridiculous complaint (who would question it with my history with the brand hehehehe).

At July 04, 2011 10:49 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm shocked at the service that people are receiving at Louis Vuitton. My experience there over the last 15 years has been nothing short of fantastic (I always go to the bloor street location). I took a wallet in that I had used for several years for repair and the manager told the sales associate to just give me a new one. I did not kick up any fuss or anything, I was just dropping it off for repairs. I have always been treated with respect at the bloor street store. I do tend to deal with the long term employees at this store, and if I don't see them when I go in, I ask for them.

At July 14, 2011 2:32 am, Blogger selly lim said...

i'm having a same problem as well with the manager in 14th feb 2011, i went there to purchase a bag and while waiting for the staff to get me the bag ,the manager suddenly approached me and asked me leave the lv store as soon as possible.i replied " i still waiting for the staff to get the new bag instead of the display one".he then said," i don't care,leave this lv store or i'll ask the security guard to escort you out from this place".. in a while, i was thinking why he treated me like that and keep questioning.after, purchasing me stuff, i approached him again and asked why he needed to call the security guard to get me out from here and what did i do.then he said" if you want me to get a security to kick you out now,if you want, i can do it right now...that make me felt shocked and without questioning anything,i left the store and called the customer service.after explaining about my situation, the customer service told me that the one wanted to kick me out is the holt renfrew security guard which didn't make sense at all cause i still going around and purchased one high heels from there and no body told me to go out from there..worst customer service and manager..would definitely not going to purchase lv goods anymore.

At August 10, 2011 11:48 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bought a LV bag last wednesday at this location - 111 Bloor Street. When I took it out on the weekend, I found out that it had very strong smell. I tried to exchange the bag yesterday at this location. They refused and stated that they did not smell anything and that the bag is not in perfect saleable condition. The bag is in exactly the same condition as I bought it last Wednesday. Anyway, the store staff and manager at this location has very poor sense of customer service. LV should spend more on staff training or hire more qualified staff in order to keep its loyal customers. There are many great products out there as substitutes for LV.

At August 16, 2011 3:51 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

never have a bigger bunch of pompous, bombastic idiots posted in one place...I thank heaven that my gorgeous wife has the confidence in herself to not attempt to identify herself with overpriced mexican goods with an LV logo...I feel sorry for you sorry assed losers many of whom really can't afford the product yet max out your credit cards to have it..and to the ones who can afford it...give your heads a shake and try feeling good about yourselves through charity and volunteering and giving to the less fortunate, not by wearing thousands of dollars on your backs.

At August 20, 2011 7:01 pm, Blogger Paul said...

Thats why I hate label-chasers -
Its stupid to run after brands - honestly - if everything in an LV shoes is made in a chinese sweatshop - but its polished in NY and put on display there - they can technically call it Made in USA - I can gurantee - these famous brands are just cashing on their history - but is just like any other utility brands like H&M, JCPenny etc -
I feel sorry for the guy who has to call up so many times to be treated by someone at a call centre working for LV - even after spending so much money on buying high end luxury products -
If you really want to screw companies who play with your money - overprice products and doesnt deliver - go to shanghai and buy LV fakes LOL !!

At December 09, 2011 11:46 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you that the service in LV Yorkdale is substandard. There is a lack of system. Waited in front of a counter for 5 minutes but no one ever came around to serve. Asked 1 of the 2 security guards who were wrapped in coat & tie if he can ask somebody to help but HE JUST LOOKED away as if searching for some staff to come around. He never acknowledged or answered me. Was I talking to the glass behind him? Is it prohibited for these so called security guards wrapped in coat & tie to talk unless he was going to apprehend you for stealing? Finally a nice guy came around in front of ask because the counter was empty and I was examining already an item. He served me and was very kind and nice. Come paying time, their cashier entertained a Chinese Woman who cut in and demanded to see a bag when there were 2 parties waiting to pay. If there are coat & tie wrapped security guards do not even have the courtesy of saying "just a minute I will call the sales staff" and the cashier who did not even practice "first come first served" policy then LV has a big problem. All that there is to it is the name "Louis Vuitton" and nothing else.

At December 28, 2011 11:31 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Retail has a common denomenator, be it LV or Zellers which is ridiculously marking up cheap crap (usually made in a foreign sweat shop) and having people paid shit wages to sell it. Then people are surprised when they get lousey customer service. Stop acting surprised! If people at all cared about customer service they would have supported the small business model years ago instead of selling out to the mega-chains that have taken over most markets and couldn't give a rat's ass about a few disgrunted customers (or as they like to call us now, "guests").

p.s. for any of you diehard LV customers who wish to point out that their product is not made in China, I know that!

At January 28, 2012 9:02 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yorkdale only hires staff with extremely low IQ's and lack of english skills. I have never been so annoyed with a store in my life.

At March 08, 2012 1:48 am, Anonymous joe said...

I want to complain about bullying and abusive behaviour from bartering companies when they owe me money..Where do i complain about trade business and It is very hard to recover monies in the account, then they bill you when they shouldn't be monthly for no service. they are always right about their billings even when they are wrong. I had to cut my credit card there was no way to understand each other and i had to pay all my commissions ahead of time even though they owed me..while promising that i can recover my monies whenever i wanted..but they liked and kept billing me. now they pretend that i owe them monies so that i cannot recover 2500 of my money..they are in many businesses it is also called i believe exhortionnist or thieves. All barter companies are the same but this one outdid the others.

At June 01, 2012 9:29 am, Anonymous Anita said...

I would like to add to the initial post regarding LV at Yorkdale. I recently purchased a Delightful Monogram PM. When I bought the bag, my bf was with me and asked is that a used bag (because when they brought it out, it wasnt folded or in the protected cover). I was so excited that I said of course not, this is LV, they wouldn't do that. Once I got home I realized that the left ring holder leather was crumpled and appears that it may rip. At this point I thought, omg, they sold me a used bag. I called them, and they said I could exchange it, but of course when my bf took it in, they refused. The manager said if it was ripped they'd gladly exchange it, but since its clearly used and not ripped yet, they won't. How does that make any sense? Obviously it's used! They sold me a used bag. How could I pay that much for a second hand item? I'm still following up with their manager, but I assure you, and I hope this is forwarded to their head office, next time, I'm going straight to Gucci. They're always incredibly polite unlike the trashy service from LV. To add on, even when I was buying the bag, the representative was a jerk!

At December 04, 2012 11:13 pm, Anonymous Tom Yen said...

I have initiated a Small Claims Court action against Louis Vuitton for, amongst other things, really poor customer service. If anyone is interested in combining our consumer power and going to the media (I'm thinking the Star and Metro) to make our unified voices heard please contact me at

At December 12, 2012 11:14 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Louis Vuitton 111 Bloor Street store manager Alex White is so rude, and has no clue on how to talk to people or provide customer service. I will never buy another bag from them again.

At January 30, 2013 12:02 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have had three issues over the past year and a half. The first was one instance where my husband purchased me the leopard print scarf from Yorkdale while I was away on vacation. Upon getting home, I noticed that this brand new scarf had a few runs in it, prior to me wearing the piece. I took the scarf back to Yorkdale and explained to them the issues I had with the runs and the fact that the scarf had yet to be worn as it was only a few days after being purchased and you would think I was being unreasonable for having an issue that a brand new, $1000 plus scarf had runs in it. They tried to tell me they all do as they are delicate and after much debate, they took back the scarf and replaced it with one that didn't have the runs they claimed were on all of them. They proceeded to put that same scarf I returned right back on the retail floor and told me if i had any further issues with the scarf that they wouldn't be willing to help. On a $1000 piece of cloth? I found it pretty low to be honest but didn't say anything.

My next issue lies with my wallet I had for a few years that became unstitched in the fold region. Again, I took this back to Yorkdale and asked if it could be repaired. They said it could be and claimed to have sent it out to be dealt with. A few weeks pass and I hear nothing from them. I call them and they tell me the item couldn't be repaired and to come pick it up. I get there and the salesperson who grabs it from the back tries to give me some lame excuse that they couldn't stitch it back together in the area as they were concerned it may rip. An $800 wallet that carries a lifetime warranty against defect, which this is and again, I am basically told to suck it up. Instead of taking my business to Gucci or Prada, once again, I decide to buy another LV wallet despite the way I was treated once again by LV.

Now comes my latest and final saga, the straw that has broken the camels back and has me wanting to sell all 13 of my current purses, my damaged and undamaged wallet and my scarfs including my longer to be helped out scarf according to Yorkdale. I have an LV school bag that is a few years old. Now, understand I won 13 different LV bags, so I don't exactly use my bags heavily as I rotate often, especially this school bag, which is very sparingly used. A couple weeks back, my lace that I use to tighten the top snaps in half. I contact Yorkdale and speak to a nice young lady who says she will have a lace waiting for me to pick up at no charge. I just returned from Vegas today and trek across the city to get there and get my bag back in commission. When I arrive, I stand there for almost 20 minutes before being acknowledged, likely because I was wearing my gym clothes and didn't look the part for the folks working the floor at Yorkdale, who only seem to pay close attention when you are dressed to the nines and look ready to spend. I have caught them off guard a few times as has my husband, dropping way too much on a piece to be treated like trash. I should note there was 2 customers in the store and the staff seemed to try there best to look busy and avoid me. Anyhow, finally a young lady ackowledges me at which time I explain my situation and that a lace should be there for me to pick up. After not listening to a word I said, she comes back from the back and asks what bag I sent in for repair and where my tag was. Again, I repeat my situation and she goes back again and comes out empty handed. She once again comes back and says that the only thing she has is the side lace off a Neverfull, another bag I own two times over btw and tells me that I have to pay for it, assuming I was looking for it to be no charge, which wasn't the case initially and something I never mentioned. This struck me as an insult and I let her know that the customer service offered there is garbage and always has been and I will be taking my business elsewhere from now on.

At February 05, 2013 3:24 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok I am not buying any from LV for my wife then


At April 01, 2013 4:16 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

OK so i've just reached home upon a visit to the LV STORE BLOOR LOCATION. I had purchased a quit expensive hand bag as well as other items in the past at the LV store. Glasses, and what not. After a couple uses of my handbag the strap had busted, and same with wrist strap. Keep in mind this bag cost around 8000 . Procrastinating as usual I didn't bring the bag in for repairs right away . I and asked my boyfriend to kindly bring my bag for repairs . He agreed and brought it to a repair store that wasn't LV. He wasnt aware that this would be an issue nor was I. So I walked into LV today to have my handbag properly repaired and the lady at repairs department upstairs refused to help saying my bag is not authentic and she cannot send it to be repaired even if i pay for the repairs seeing that someone else had tampered with the bag . regardless I have spent alot of money in this store and they should be more than willing to accompany me and repair the bag. AS a long time Louis Vuitton customer i can truly say after today's encounter i will no longer purchase Louis Vuitton. The service is crap, the products they produce are crap and i will be sure to let all my friends who also shop at Louis know and im sure they will think twice before purchasing anything Louis in the future. Upon purchasing these bags they should really inform-about their repairs rules and regulations .. the lady behind the desk told me I should of have just known already !!! Because i'm psychic, right . Now i have a truly expensive designer bag out of service and i don't know where to send it.. as i was leaving she did say if it helps at all we send our bags to Kaymar in the bottom of Nike store. Great!! thanks lady


At April 03, 2023 6:12 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I recently experienced bad customer service at Louis Vuitton. Despite multiple attempts to contact them regarding a repair, no one returned my calls. This lack of communication is unacceptable for such a high-end brand.


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